Chapter 13: The Gathering Storm

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Stepping across the precinct threshold, Luna steeled herself to meet chaos. With the captain's corruption exposed, the department likely seethed with confusion and fury that she had helped unleash. Indeed, even the usually bustling lobby stood unsettlingly silent, all eyes turning her direction. Luna forced chin high and continued toward Cortez's office. Heavy footsteps hurried to intercept her course halfway.

"Marquez. Good you're here." Marco scowled down at her, face thunderous. Luna tensed, unsure what to expect after their last explosive encounter. But when he grasped her shoulders, his eyes shone with fervent relief. "We heard you were seen leaving with the rogue wolf after everything went to hell. Figured you for dead too."

Too? Luna frowned, thoughts racing. "Slow down. What happened after I left with Fenris?" Dread curled in her gut at Marco's haggard expression. Please, not more senseless violence...

Marco's jaw clenched. "Riot broke out right after between the creatures and human gang leftovers. We lost a quarter of the force subduing it." His eyes burned with familiar hatred. "And Cortez vanished into the bloody fray once his pet wolves turned on their handlers at the pit."

Luna swayed beneath the devastating news, guilt and grief clawing up her throat. She should have found a better way to expose the condemned fight club that avoided this outbreak of martyrdom and rage. Fenris had warned her the seeds of vengeance grew swiftly. Now dozens more paid the price for Cortez's machinations in her failure to prevent the aftermath.

Seeing her dismay, Marco shook his head sharply. "This is on the bastards who nurtured the violence, not you." He searched her face intently. "I just need the truth now of who's left standing on the wolf side. Are they regrouping for war?"

Luna paused, thoughts spinning. She had no idea if Vega or the other alphas were mustering for retaliation after the chaotic blow to their rule. Fenris remained her only insight into pack movements. But she did not know yet if revealing their alliance was wise. Her own department might well brand her a traitor for the association.

Setting her turmoil aside as best she could, Luna met Marco's scrutiny calmly. "I don't have current intel from their side. We escaped the city to allow the chaos to settle." At his skeptical look, she insisted, "Right now recovering stability here is what matters most."

Marco's expression remained tight with doubt, but he finally dipped his chin. "Can't argue that priority. With Cortez's treason revealed, every cop is under a microscope. We need seasoned leadership." His eyes turned calculating. "I'd bet good money the mayor appoints you acting captain after this mess. Who better to root out any remaining corruption?"

Luna pulled back, nausea and panic rising at the very thought. She held up both hands as if to ward off the suggestion. "I appreciate the faith, but that responsibility is beyond me right now." At Marco's deepening frown, she grasped for plausible justification for refusing the influential post. "You and the other senior detectives need my field skills more. There will be justice, but through unity first."

His skeptical look remained, but Luna stood firm. She could do more good on the streets than chained to an office politicking. And she desperately needed latitude to reach out to Fenris and attempt reconciliation between the packs and her department. Restrictive promotion was the last thing they needed.

Just then a ruckus erupted from the lobby followed by a familiar rasping voice shouting her name. Exchanging an alarmed glance with Marco, they hurried to intervene, but too late. A disheveled figure shoved past the officers attempting to restrain her and staggered toward Luna, chains dragging. She barely suppressed a recoil seeing the once proud Raven now a wrathful madwoman.

"You did this! Turned our brotherhood against everything we built!" Raven jabbed an accusing finger, spittle flying. "We were forging peace through order. Now only chaos remains!"

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