Chapter 17: The Alpha's Heart

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Luna winced as the wagon jostled over yet another rut in the worn road, jarring her tightly wrapped ribs. Eli cast her a concerned glance from the driver's seat but wisely made no move to slow their brisk pace. Comfort was inconsequential with leagues yet to cover before safely quitting Vega's domain. Every minute brought them nearer to the secluded valley holding Fenris and the remnants of loyal packs not yet seduced by war's bloody clarion call. Luna only prayed their headstart proved sufficient. No doubt the sadistic Alpha hunted his traitorous Beta and prize captive ruthlessly now that their escape was laid bare beneath the icy dawn light.

Attempting to distract her brooding thoughts from their perilous plight, Luna carefully shifted position atop the burlap sacks concealing her in the transport wagon's rear. Her vantage allowed glimpses of Avaloria's outskirts passing by through the creaking boards—farmsteads and wildwood giving way gradually to a more common vagrant sprawl as they neared the city proper. She held no preconceptions returning this way, a fallen ghost seeking redemption and reconciliation. But neither would she abandon all to looming darkness while breath remained. Whatever bitter homecoming awaited, she had duties yet to discharge before winter's long sleep claimed her. Their ravaged kingdom persists in dire need.

As the crude wagon lumbered ever nearer to tense barricades and hushed streets, Luna felt icy claws of dread sink deeper despite attempts at calm reflection. Here in lands now foreign despite childhood memories etched into the very stones, anything awaited beyond the next turning. All cornerstones of a just rule had cracked beneath the bloody solstice chaos and its bitter aftermath. Little wonder fearful inhabitants shunned outsiders with the violent changeable wind rising at their backs. But she drew solace knowing some few brave souls yet fought for truth and consensus however fragile. So long as any voice of reason persisted, hope endured.

The wagon jostled to an uneasy halt some leagues short of the barricaded gates where local militia stood tense ward. Luna peered between the boards cautiously as Eli exchanged terse words with the patrol. She willed her battered features to stillness despite the agony of holding rigidly in place as the guards eyed their laden transport critically. After an interminable nerve-wracking inspection, the sentries finally waved them reluctantly onward. Luna loosed a tight breath as the creaking boards trundled into motion once more. Their ruse and passage held for now. But she knew well how fear fed on its own biting rumors and shadows. It would take little spark for violence to consume the city's wary denizens once again in the name of order. More than ever, voices of compassion and consensus were vital to champion de-escalation. She only prayed Huron discord had not eroded the ranks of peacemakers beyond recovery. The coming days would tell.

When the groaning wagon eventually lurched to a final stop, Luna allowed Eli to help ease her carefully down despite chafing at this perceived weakness. She had no energy left to waste on pride with each step now a battle. Her taciturn companion kept a steadying hand beneath her elbow, his grizzled features softening further in concealed concern as Luna blinked slowly to adjust her eyes. They had pulled into a concealed garage at the safehouse established for Fenris's followers amidst the city's fringe. Hurrying inside, Eli guided her gently down the lightless hallway toward muted sounds of activity.

As they stepped into the central room, conversation instantly stilled at their unexpected presence. Every tense occupant turned to face the ragged newcomers, hands hovering warily over an array of makeshift weapons. Luna swayed beneath their combined scrutiny, grateful for Eli's sturdy frame subtly supporting her own. She could only imagine the pathetic picture presented after her tortured ordeal at Vega's cruel hands. But the Beta beside her showed no trace of unease meeting his brethren's naked suspicion. His steady voice carried quiet authority when he addressed the small gathering at last. "Weary travelers return under moon's grace, brothers."

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