Chapter 14: Echoes of War

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The southern gates loomed ominously against the predawn gloom as Luna approached. She had skirted wide around the city outskirts, giving the northern forest encampments still burning through the night a wide berth. From afar, she glimpsed the fires and heard distant snarls in the darkness—signs the packs were mustering for war after the solstice unrest. Her heart ached at the thought of proud Fenris forced to lead his followers into exile for their very survival now. But she could not abandon Avaloria to madness, even if staying meant they walked opposed paths. Each heavy footfall carried Luna back toward the city that she had shed blood and tears defending, whatever bitter fate awaited. She only prayed her conviction was not in vain.

The gate sentries tensed with hands on weapons as she emerged from predawn fog into flickering torchlight. But at her hoarse shout they recognized the disheveled woman as one of their own and rushed to usher Luna quickly inside. She waved off their alarm and questions brusquely, refusing even an offered cloak against the chill mist still threading her clothing. Right now she needed to gather herself and take stock of how radically the city's state had deteriorated overnight. From the gate guards' hushed tones and knowing looks, the situation was clearly dire and her lengthy absence noted. But Luna shut away speculation and dread until she could assess with clear eyes this nightmare now at her very doorstep.

Striding numbly through largely empty streets, Luna felt the specter of war looming closer with every step. Businesses and homes were shuttered tight much earlier than usual, fearful faces peering out through cracks as she passed. Even the ever-present trash and stray animals had vanished. The city held its breath, waiting for the storm poised to break any moment. At the precinct gates, the guards likewise recognized Luna and admitted her without challenge. But their grave faces chilled her marrow. Whatever news awaited inside, she would finally face it with courage. This was still her city, her trust. She could not leave it to unravel however violently the threads pulled free.

The lobby stood eerily silent, many desks empty at this early hour. Before she could decide her next path, a nearby office door cracked open, bleeding warm light across her feet. Luna looked up into Marco's careworn but relieved face. Without a word he stepped forward and embraced her fiercely right there in the open, heedless of propriety. She returned it just as desperately, letting the contact reaffirm her shattered faith. They were comrades still when all else eroded.

At last leaning back, Marco searched her face intently. "We feared you lost when the creatures began massing. Patrols have orders to kill any stray wolves on sight now." At her flinch, he amended quickly. "Only if they refuse capture or act aggressive. Hopefully most fled the city with their exiled Alpha."

Luna simply nodded, not yet trusting her voice. Of course aggressive action made sense with war brewing at their doorstep. But hearing confirmation that noble Fenris was now branded outlaw cut deeper than any blade. They stood irrevocably divided by old grudges and fresh grief. She could not change harsh facts, only steel her heart and focus on the slim hopes remaining.

Gesturing wearily for Marco to lead the way, she accompanied him to the captain's office—now his by authority of the mayor. Luna sank gratefully into a chair across from the large desk while Marco retrieved a small liquor bottle and two glasses from its bottom drawer. He poured each a generous portion, waiting until she took a bracing gulp of the burning liquid before speaking bluntly.

"I won't insult you by sugarcoating this, Luna. Situation's more damned than we ever could've predicted." He drained his own glass, eyes haunted. "With Cortez's treachery exposed, the Council rallied and cast blame wholly on the city for allowing such a viper to strike at the heart of pack sovereignty."

Luna's gut clenched but she stayed silent, riding the relentless tide of awful truths. She had known in her heart this shaky truce could not withstand so violent a breach. The true surprise was that outright war had not erupted sooner.

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