Chapter 9: Divided Loyalties

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Luna trailed her fingers along the rough bark of a passing tree, savoring the simple pleasure of movement through the shaded forest. Nearly two weeks had passed since the captain's visit galvanized her to leave the haven of Fenris's cabin and tentatively return to Avaloria proper. The intervening days in the remote wilderness had passed swiftly, blending into peaceful routine. Daily walks to rebuild Luna's strength and long fireside talks with Fenris each night restoring her battered spirit. She knew their idyll apart from the world could not last forever. But those precious days of healing had anchored her for the trials now at hand.

Today's sojourn into the deeper woods brought sounds of the pack at play. Laughter and muted snarls filtered through the trunks as Luna followed the noises to a sun-dappled glen. She paused on the edge, observing the informal games and contests taking place under the watchful eye of several large males. One with a shock of auburn hair noticed her arrival. Even at a distance, his energy marked him unmistakably as the leader of these wild werewolves. Elias, Fenris's strong right hand who kept order while the Alpha was away.

At her hesitant wave, Elias said something to another pack member and loped over. Luna searched his approachable face carefully as they drew near. She respected the Beta's dedication and humor from Fenris's stories, but had yet to truly interact with Elias. His easy demeanor set her at ease despite fangs flashing in a friendly grin as he pulled up before her.

"So the infamous she-wolf emerges at last! We had begun to think our esteemed Alpha was hiding you away selfishly." Though teasing, Elias's smile held no malice. At her answering chuckle, he made an exaggerated bow. "Elias Greymane at your service. I see Fen already gifted you a claws-and-fangs designation from the pack."

Luna smiled and performed a credible curtsy. "Luna Marquez. The honor is mine. And yes, 'she-wolf' seems to have stuck." Her glance strayed fondly to where a trio of young werewolves tussled under the trees. "Your pack seems happy and well despite the recent darkness."

Elias nodded, pride and affection plain in his voice as he regarded his wild brood. "We endure, even thrive, away from the politics and hatred. Harmony comes naturally if you let it." At her envious look, he squeezed her shoulder encouragingly. "You'll always have a place here should you choose it." His smile turned impish. "I'm sure Fen would be only too glad to make our she-wolf feel at home."

Luna felt warmth rise to her cheeks but simply ducked her head with a murmured thanks. Elias seemed content not to tease further. With an easy invitation to return anytime, he loped off to rejoin his pack's play. Luna found a sunny patch of grass to sit observing their antics, comfortable even as an outsider to their community. Perhaps in time the barriers between their two worlds would lower enough for true integration. The pure joy witnessed here fostered hope.

The sun had crept low when Luna stirred from her daze, realizing the lengthening afternoon shadows. The pack had dispersed awhile ago from the glen and only cheery birdsong filled the quiet now. Stretching stiff limbs, Luna headed back toward the trail to Fenris's home. Despite her rekindled belief in the future, she knew at some point their idyll here must end. Difficult choices about her path waited back in Avaloria. But for now, she let the woodland's beauty soothe that lurking dread.

Twilight's hush accompanied Luna's solitary walk as she neared the cabin. Warm light glowed from within, beckoning her home as powerfully as any siren's song. But as she reached the edge of the tree line, Luna realized with surprise that Fenris was not alone. Straining her ears, she could make out a low discussion punctuated by urgent tones. Curiosity won out over courtesy. Quiet as only bare feet could be, Luna crept onto the porch to listen from the concealing shadows.

Fenris's voice filtered through first, tone clipped. "And you claim Vega has gathered this dissident faction in earnest now?"

"It's truth, Alpha." The rasping reply Luna recognized as Elias. "They meet more brazenly by the night, fueled by hatred of what the solstice gathering provoked. Your name passes more frequently on their lips as well."

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