Chapter 15: Veil of Shadows

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Luna took a deep, steadying breath as she approached the Council tower, blade sheathed at her hip. The streets were eerily empty in the creeping dawn light, the city holding its breath at the warring werewolf factions massed outside the walls. She had crossed through the militarized gates alone, the guards stunned to silence seeing their disgraced captain's protégé returned from self-imposed exile, head held high and eyes clear despite the risk she now faced. None challenged or questioned her passage after glimpsing the unflinching resolve etched into her features. For good or ill, Luna's path stood clear today—she would broker peace or die nobility trying. There was no third road left to walk.

Mounting the marble steps, Luna called upon every scrap of courage. No righteous rage or blind hatred could sustain her now as it did those surrounding the city. She had only this: a glimpse of hope more precious than her own soul that peace yet remained possible between their wounded peoples. Clinging to that fragile dream, she shoved open the heavy doors without hesitation. The guards within the opulent hall reacted in surprise to see a lone human striding so boldly into the wolf's den, but Luna carried on before they could rally. She would see this through, and no amount of gnashing teeth could turn her from this end now. Let the mighty Council itself contend with her, but her mission would not falter. The thought sent electric fear and conviction singing through her veins in equal measure as she approached the central chamber's threshold. This was her destiny's crux. And she would not fail now, no matter the cost.

Throwing wide the ornate doors heedless of her own frailty amid such primal power, Luna swept into the hall as though she commanded it. Around the rune-etched table, all eyes turned to her in various shades of shock and outrage at her brazen intrusion. But she had glimpsed her welcome and salvation among the bristling Alphas—at the chamber's head stood Fenris, wearing authority and convictions as only a true Alpha could. Their eyes met across the palpable tension, and Luna felt his pride in her radiating like sunlight, bolstering her flagging nerves. They only had to stand fast a little longer beneath this withering pressure. Their demonstration would reveal reason yet walked within these walls.

Ignoring the bristling guards that moved to block her approach, Luna halted halfway down the long table, hand resting pointedly on her blade's hilt. Let them read that gesture how they would; she spoke now only with naked truth. "I had a dream once—of a city where none feared their neighbor, and justice sought understanding, not punishment." She swept the dubious faces levelly. "I now see how that dream could seem cruel illusion. Old wounds do not close clean."

At her bold words, muted muttering rippled around the table. But Luna pressed on before nerves failed her voice. "This truth I speak not to shame or apportion blame, but remind all why we yet struggle on." She risked a glance at Fenris and saw only steadfast solidarity in his proud face. It heartened her to continue even as claws scraped the marble floors in warning. This was the reckoning ordained from their first joined step in shadow. She refused to surrender it meekly now, whatever the cost ultimately weighed. Their stand could be the lone spark left to ignite consciences and illuminate the final few feet of cursed ground yet separating their peoples from accord.

Leveling her sincerest gaze on Alpha Vega, Luna addressed the strong-headed leader plainly. "Cast out this doubt still poisoning our wounded hearts, so we may find strength united." Turning to take in the other Council members as well, she willed them to ponder her plea however unlikely its realization felt. The power of their hostile focus almost drove her to bended knee like gravity. But she locked her trembling legs and stood tall. "We must banish the shades of old war still bleeding our hope if we are to overcome together. I know it lies in your hearts yet to walk the darkest mile side by side, no matter the trials haunting our past steps."

At mention of the bloody history splitting their peoples, growls of outrage rose up among the gathering. Several enraged Alphas began closing in with violence plain on their faces. But Fenris's own snarl of command froze them rigidly in place before the confrontation could escalate beyond words. Inclining his head to Luna slightly in admiration, he then addressed the dissenting pack leaders with stern composure. "You know my creed. Hear her well before threat or judgment stains this sacred Hall."

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