Chapter 7: Full Moon Revelations

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Luna prowled the empty station restlessly, throat tight with frustration. Despite over two hours of intense grilling, Talbot had managed to avoid revealing any actionable intelligence on his rogue suppliers. Without corroborating evidence, his vague references to a gathering somewhere in Avaloria's abandoned warehouse district were useless. Luna's hands curled into white-knuckled fists at her sides. She was running out of time to identify the meeting's location before the solstice ceremonies reached their peak. After that, all bets were off keeping a lid on the city's powder keg tensions.

A muffled shout of pain sounded through the observation room glass, followed by a dull thump. Luna glanced over to see Marco loom threateningly over Talbot where he cowered in the bolted-down chair. Her partner's methods were growing increasingly forceful in proportion to his own frustration. Thus far the suspect had refused to break and give up his rogue conspirators, but Luna understood Marco's instincts. Backed so near the edge now, Talbot had to crack soon.

Straightening from his intimidating lean over their detainee, Marco finally emerged from the interrogation room red-faced and seething. Luna stopped his path with a gentle hand on his chest. "Any progress?"

Her partner raked both hands roughly through his hair, the irrepressible anger rolling off him in waves. "Nothing. Useless piece of trash keeps stonewalling about his werewolf associates." He bared his teeth in a ferocious sneer. "If we could use just a little enhanced force, I guarantee he'd give up those monsters. But no, got to handle the rabid beasts with kid gloves per protocol."

Luna kept her expression carefully neutral. She had always known a day would come when their different attitudes toward supernatural justice would collide. But with stakes so high, she had to keep their partnership intact a little longer. "He'll break soon. We just have to remain patient," she soothed Marco. At his derisive snort, she changed tacks. "I'm going to take a quick coffee run for us both. Maybe some caffeine and a short break will make him more amenable."

Though he looked ready to refuse, Marco finally grunted acceptance after another glare through the one-way glass at their silent detainee. "Fine. I'll keep watch here in case he tries anything cute." He scrubbed both hands roughly over his face. "Grab me the strongest stuff they've got. Something tells me it's gonna be a long night still."

Nodding sympathetically, Luna slipped away before Marco could register the tight set of her jaw or lingering frustration in her eyes. She had no intention of meekly fetching coffee while their only solid lead sat staining his hands with wilful silence. If she'd learned anything about Talbot's loathsome character thus far, it was that he bent easily when shown teeth. Time she shed this guise of civility and finally unleashed the beast inside herself.

Luna signaled the patrol officer stationed down the hall from interrogation as she passed. "Suspect acting up again. I need a minute to try a softer touch." At the cop's understanding nod, she entered the observation room and drew the blinds, blocking sight lines from the hall. Her fingers trembled faintly as she flicked the intercom switch to address Talbot alone.

"Finally ready to speak truth?" She kept her tone casual, allowing a hint of steel underneath. When Talbot nervously shook his head, Luna leaned both palms flat on the table, crowding him with her physical intensity. "The time for games ended when your friend Gio died," she reminded him coldly. "Lie to me now, and you'll join him."

Though faint, Talbot's panicked intake of breath told Luna her change of tactic hit home. She eased back, mistress of control once more. "Or make the wise choice. Give me the meeting location, and you walk free with protection... for limited cooperation." She could see the exact instant his resolve wavered into capitulation. But she remained unmoving as stone, forcing him to voice it.

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