Chapter 5. 1885 

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Eliza's mouth dropped. "Excuse me? Do you honestly believe that because I am a woman I cannot solve these cases on my own?"
George. "Yes I do. You need a fellow private detective to help you with all of these cases. You are going to be overwhelmed by all of them. Besides, the streets of London are not safe for a lady like yourself."
Eliza glared at him. "George, I am not a fragile porcelain doll. I can take care of myself. You forget I have a pistol that I can use if necessary."
George rolled his eyes. "Yes yes I know. However, as a young lady, I don't believe you need to be running around London with a pistol. Leave that to the gentleman."
Eliza was about to give a nasty retort, but then noticed Rachel poking her head into the room. She glanced at her housekeeper. "Yes Rachel?"
Rachel. "I am sorry to interrupt, but a young gentleman has come to speak with you. He believes he knows what the thief looked like."
Eliza smiled brightly. "Very good, sent him in." She glanced at George. "If you will excuse me, I need to get back to this case."
George glared at her. "Good day Miss Watson."
Eliza smiled as she watched George turn and leave the house. She would show the bastard that she was perfectly capable of solving every case that came her way. Squaring her shoulders, she stepped into the small parlor of her cottage to speak with the gentleman who was waiting for her.
A gentleman with salt and pepper hair was waiting for her in the parlor. He pushed his round spectacles over his brown eyes as he stood up. He extended his hand. "You must be miss Eliza Watson."
Eliza nodded, shaking his hand. "Yes, and you are?"
The gentleman smiled softly as he took a seat across from her. "Thomas Parker."
Eliza. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Parker. My housekeeper tells me that you have information regarding the thief."
Thomas nodded. "Yes I do. I don't remember every detail, but I do remember a few things."
Eliza nodded. "Tell me whatever you can remember."
Thomas nodded, taking a breath. "What I remember of the gentleman is that he was a bit taller than I am. He is had a long black beard and equally long hair. I couldn't see what his face looked like, because he was wearing a mask."
Eliza nodded, beginning to sketch the thief in her notebook that she carried around in her pocket. "All right, was he wearing any clothing that was suspicious? Aside from the mask."
Thomas scratched his chin. "Not that I clearly remember Miss Watson. However, I do remember that he had pockets in his trousers, and that I distinctly remember hearing the sound of something jingling in one of those pockets."
Eliza continued sketching. "I see. Did you by chance see where he was headed?"
Thomas. "I did see him scramble into a carriage and ask the driver to take him to Bond Street."
Eliza nodded. "Thank you for your information Mr. Parker. I believe I have enough to go on at this time."
Thomas smiled. "You are very welcome Miss Watson. I do hope you catch the thief and return the necklace to the rightful owner."
Eliza. "I believe I will."
Thomas nodded before rising and leaving the house.
Eliza plopped down on the settee, staring at her drawing. A gentleman with long black hair and beard, his face obscured by a black mask. This was definitely a thief who didn't want to be discovered, she thought. However, she knew exactly which shop the thief had taken Margaret's necklace to.
Rachel. "Well? Anything?"
Eliza looked up. "Rachel, I believe I have a clue to where the necklace might be."
Rachel's eyes widened. "Do you? Where?"
Eliza. "The thief took the necklace to Bond Street. I believe I know exactly which jewelry shop it has traveled to."
Rachel gasped. "Oh my word, which one?"
Eliza. "Dolce Ruby."
Rachel's mouth dropped. "Dolce Ruby? That is one of the most famous jewelry shops on Bond Street."
Eliza nodded. "Precisely, which makes it a prime target for a necklace belonging to a dowager Duchess to be taken to."
Rachel. "When do you plan to go?"
Eliza. "I plan to go this evening, when the shop isn't very busy. This way I can speak to Ruby to see if she has seen anything."
Rachel. "That sounds like a smart idea. But you are going alone."
Eliza. "I know, but you are aware I can take care of myself Rachel."
Rachel smiled and hugged her. "You certainly can my dear."
Eliza returned her hug, her heart swelling with excitement and anticipation. The beautiful necklace was just within her reach. All she needed to do was get to Bond Street. She was very close to solving the case.

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