Sick Day | Mike x Reader

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You woke up coughing, your eyes blurry, and sneezing. You turned to your side expecting to see Mike but he wasn't sleeping next to you. Your body felt extremely heavy, it was difficult to get up but–

"Good morning my love, don't bother getting up, Abby and I made breakfast."

You see Mike holding a tray and Abby tailing behind him. A smile instantly forms on your face upon seeing the plate of pancakes topped with syrup and a glass of juice. Your favorite.

"Good morning!" Abby says then runs up to hug you.

"Be careful Abs, I'm sick."

"Abby wanted to say goodbye before she went to school."

"Sh– I mean, oh my god?! I forgot to call in sick today."

"Don't worry, I already called in for you." Mike smiled.

You sighed in relief.

"Good bye Abby, have a great day at school. I love you!"

You work as an elementary school teacher and one of your students caught a fever in the middle of class yesterday so you had to escort him to the clinic. He must've passed it on to you so this is how you ended up here, in bed, sick and tired. You couldn't even wrap your head around the fact that you were sick. The only thing that traced through your mind was grading papers and who would substitute for your class.

Mike moved the television into the room then he sat next to you on the bed, switching the TV on. Your favorite show aired, it brought you so much joy to watch it every night.

"Baby, I know you're thinking about work right now but please rest first."

"I'm just worried about what my kids are doing Mike, plus I need to grade their spelling bees. It's hard enough as it is with their handwriting"

He laughs in response and says;

"C'mon, here, I'll help you eat."

He slices up the pancakes and feeds them to you. As much as you can do all of these things yourself, you really appreciate the effort your boyfriend makes for you. Every day you're thankful that he's yours and you're his.

After eating, you both just watched TV and exchanged thoughts about the characters like who killed who, and if they deserved it or not. You started to feel drowsy from the medicine you took and fell asleep on Mike. He stroked your hair and whispered sweet nothings about how much he loves you.

Once you woke up from your nap, Mike was smiling at you, taking in your beauty.

"Slept well, baby?"

"Yes, thank you for helping me. I love you, Mike."

"I love you too."

"No really, thank you for always helping me, thinking of me. I'm forever grateful for you, I'm always excited to wake up next to the love of my life, talk to you without judgment, and simply be myself around you."

"It's the bare minimum, my love, it should be expected of me as your boyfriend. Plus you deserve it and more."

He gave you a small peck on the lips then continued;

"Do you need anything else? Like water or more tissues?"

"No I'm good, can you just stay here please?"

"Of course my love, I wasn't planning on leaving anyway– by the way, I'm staying 'till later cause I called in sick too to take care of you."'

God this man is too perfect.

You then heard the door unlock;

"I'm home!"

Abby then entered the room to check up on you;

"Hi! Do you feel any better?"

"Hello Abby, I am. How was school darling?"

"It was good! Look, I drew you and Mike."

You examined the drawing she had created, it depicted a photo of all three of you bonding in a playground. It was one of the sweetest things Abby's drawn so far;

"Aww, thank you Abby! This is amazing."

"Heh, thank you." She then came in for another hug which you gladly took.'

"Come here Abs, sit in the middle."

Abby then went up to the bed, scooting over Mike, and giggled.

Your day continued with all three of you bonding, like a family.

"I love you both, so much. Thank you for caring about me."

Btw sorry for the late update !! School has been kicking my ass lately, as soon as it turns friday I'll try to upload more chapters. Hope you enjoyed this one, leave a vote if you did <3

704 Words.

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