Chapter 3

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"-and then he grabbed me before I could fall off the roof, he let me hold him after he saved me! And he was telling me about Iron Man. I probably have a better chance meeting Mark Webber through him than I do you! Mate, I'm even gonna be his assistant!"

"Assistant?" Oscar asked, not looking up from the hoodie he was eying in the shop. His hands shuffled through the rack of hoodies as he tried searching for his size. He was looking at a plain navy one, Lando really wished he'd go for something a bit more colourful and lively. "Are you sure it was him agreeing for you to be his assistant or just him trying to please you?"

Lando rolled his eyes and lightly pushed Oscar's shoulder, the boy not budging and still focused on finding his size. "Okay, so neither! He said I could take some pictures of him if I did him a favour."

"And so now you're stuck stalking a villain and fixing his app for him?" Oscar deadpanned, finally finding his size in the hoodie and adding it to the rest of the clothes he'd gathered.

"Oscar." He whined, drawling out the word.

"Lando." The Aussie responded in a similar tone mockingly.

"Quit being so negative! Just be happy for me, I get to spend time with Spiderman!" Lando practically squealed.

Lando had woken up the morning after his meeting with Spiderman, a flutter in his stomach and a skip in his step. As he had walked into their living room, he could see a piece of paper stuck to the window from the outside with paragraphs of writing on it. It contained the information regarding the villain he had to investigate and a guide on how to access the Spiderman crime watches app settings to fix it. He had already spent the first half of the morning working out some of the features he could add and making a to-do list for his research, after that he had gone to his only lecture of the day.

As soon as Oscar had walked through the door after they both returned from their lectures, Lando had bombarded him with loud noises about Spiderman being this- Spiderman being that. Spiderman, Spiderman, Spiderman. While Lando kept on, the Aussie walked around doing a few chores and patiently listened to his friend. They were the definition of always talking, always listening.

In between his continuous ramblings, Oscar had broken through the conversation and suggested going to the shopping centre to grab some more clothes, with Lando agreeing before hurriedly returning to his previous tangent.

Oscar made his way towards the till, weaving wistfully through the array of people rushing to do their Christmas shopping. Lando eagerly followed after him, watching the way Oscar's body moved lightly and with ease as he had to squeeze and fight for his life pushing through everyone. By the time they reached the queue, the Australian had been standing there for around 30 seconds while Lando came out with messy hair and breathing heavily like he had been caught in a fight.

The younger boy smiled in amusement, eying Lando up, taking in his appearance. Lando felt naked under his eye and felt like he needed to cover up his bits. He pushed Oscar's shoulder playfully. "Damn you and your fucking fast pace today, since when were you Sonic? You know I get lost in crowds easily, you can't leave me behind!"

"We both know you would usually strut through this place like you own it." Which was true, Lando did have a little bit of a complex about him where he walked into every place like he could tear it down, a little sass in his walk. Usually Oscar followed after him politely waving at everyone, trying to keep up like a lost puppy. "Not my fault you fell behind. Wanted to join in with the panicked mums, did you?"

"Yeah, you know, I had to help make sure they get their playdough and crayons that'll be either eaten or demolished within a week." Lando's grin pulled to the side and he used his Oscar's shoulder as an armrest, having to stretch a little bit as the Aussie was a little taller than him. He crossed his legs over and leaned in towards Oscar. "I could be Santa's little helper, you know." Or Spiderman's little helper, he briefly thought.

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