Chapter 4

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Oscar was lying, he was in fact sick after all.

Lando had noticed the last few weeks that Oscar wasn't feeling the best, his pale skin looking worse for wear, lack of sleep and exhaustion catching up to him leaving purple eye bags in their wake, the constant runs in the freezing cold with nothing but a loose shirt and a pair of shorts (although he wasn't one to complain about seeing the shorts), the sniffling. But also... Oscar was clingy. He was only ever clingy when he had an illness coming on, but it also made him a stubborn bastard too.

Which is why they were currently in the kitchen arguing with each other.

He also had a tendency to ignore his illness and carry on with his day like he wasn't struggling with every movement. It always ended in him finally crashing and Lando having to look after him. He was just trying to prevent it before it could happen!

"Tell your boss you're not going in! Fuck right off if you think you're going to the library like this!" Lando ordered, looking over his shoulder at Oscar as the Aussie leaned against the kitchen cabinets staring at the ceiling. He was washing the dishes from his breakfast when he could see Oscar trying to sneak out of the room from the corner of his eye. He angrily threw the sponge across the room expecting Oscar to dodge it, but he let the wet sponge hit his face without any movement. Lando was definitely not letting him go to work after his usually fast reflexes failed to stop the sponge from colliding with him.

"I have to go in, Lando. I need this job and I'm not even sick! I'm just a little tired, mate." Oscar replied, sniffling disgustingly. A little was an understatement. His hair was a greasy mess on his head and his eyes were droopy and red, as much as Lando found him attractive, even he could admit he didn't look his best right now.

Lando scoffed and placed the last dish on the drying rack, grabbing a dry cloth to wipe his hands on. "You look like shit, Oscar, you've barely slept, you keep sneezing and last night I had to rub your back after you nearly threw up after smelling the chicken."

The younger boy looked down from the ceiling and at Lando now, his head flopping around a little like he had no strength to hold it up. "The chicken was expired, that's why!"

"Okay, whatever! What about my other points, hm? And we both know you don't need the money, your parents send you money every month." Since Lando knew Oscar, his parents had sent him a good chunk of money every week for his rent, food, clothes etc, even though he had two jobs. Sure, his internship was helping towards his future career, but Lando never understood why he needed to keep the library job.

"I'm not sick. Also, it doesn't hurt to have extra money around!"

"You're sick, don't lie!"

"M'not." Oscar mumbled and tried to stand from where he was leaning against the cabinet, but in doing so he nearly tumbled over. Lando was quick to rush forward and grab him around the waist, managing to pull him up with a grunt and move in the direction of Oscar's bedroom. "Fine, I might have a bit of a cold."

"Awh, you think? I'd have never guessed after you let a dirty sponge hit your face and nearly face-planted the kitchen floor." Lando sassed him, trudging them along to the Aussie's bedroom. When there was no quip from Oscar, Lando bit his lip in worry.

The younger boy was standing up straight now, although he had a little wave to his step. "Are you sure I can't go in today? What if... what if they really need me in?"

"I'm sure they can manage to stack some books and scan them without you. Bedroom, now." Lando said with a stern voice and pointed look on his face. Oscar huffed and rolled his eyes, sluggishly pushing the slightly open door to his room. However, the door slammed open from the force and hit the wall inside the room with a loud bang.

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