Chapter One

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 "Steven ! How long do we drive until we arrive ?" I asked my older brother while I looked at my phone. Steven groaned and said. "45 minutes" He was annoyed because Belly and I asked him this like all 5 minutes. I smirked and put my cell phone in my bag. "Can you turn on the music, Belly ?" I meant and very soon I heard 'Can't do better' by Kim Petras playing. This was my favourite song. Immediately I started to sing and Belly joined me. A few seconds later mom asked us to shut the volume down. Steven looked relieved and mom said. "I want you guys to help more this year. Like washing your dishes" I was irritated and rolled my eyes. I know that mom feels uncomfortable that we don't have much money but Susannah love the fact that we come there. "We will mom" Steven said and he turned right to a little store. We exit and I started to grab some things. Churros, Lemon soft cookies and two zero coke. I went to the checkout and saw this guy who seemed like he flirted with Belly. She didn't seem comfortable so I put my things on the desk and gived him my credit card. "We'd like to pay" A cold smile was on my lips and after we payed mom came and said something to Belly, while I left the store. I get back in the car and gave Steven the cookies and the zero coke. "This makes 4.80 $ please" I said with a smirk on my face. My brother smirked too and answered. "Nahhh" We laughed and Belly and mom enered the car. "Let's continue" Mom said and Steven started the engine. We drove the last kilometres and after we arrived in Cousins. I opened the window and looked out. I felt the summer breeze in my hair and sniffed the ocean. I closed the window and texted Hailey. "Ahhh we will arrive soon" She texted back. "OMG girl have fun <33 Love ya !" A scream of Belly waked me up and I saw that we arrived. Mom and Steven exited the car and Jeremiah ran to them. I could barley hear what he was saying. Belly and I looked at eachother and exited also the car. Jeremiah ran to Belly and was stunned by her appearance. "Whoa look...different" He said and hugged her. After that he hugged me too and I said. "Hi Jere" Jeremiah smiled and turned around after Steven shouted his name. I was stunned. Jeremiah looked so hot through. He got muscles and grew a lot. I was so focused on him that I didn't recognised Conrad who came to me. "Hey Layla ! Nice to see you" I smiled and hugged him. "Hey Connie. Nice to see you too" He also grew since last summer and I'm sure Bells was absolutely stunned by him. I went to our car and picked my bag then I went in the house. As I entered my room a big smile crept on my lips and I threw my things on the bed. I put my things in the cupboards and made my way down. I entered the kitchen and saw mom and Susannah carry things in. "Oh my god !" Susannah screamed and ran to me. She hugged me and whispered. "You're so gorgeous" I smirked. "Thank you" Susannah smirked too and began to put some things in the cupboards. Belly came in and sat down. She was completely wet and when Susannah saw her, she whispered to my mom. "She is so gorgeous" Mom smiled and said. "I know" I grabbed a glass and walked to the fridge. I opened it and choosed a bottle of orange juice. I barley listened to them and after I drank a sip I asked Belly. "What we gonna do now ?" She smiled and grabbed my arm. "Let's go upstairs" I followed her and before we went in her room, I said. "Eh I have to go to the toilet" Belly nodded and I walked to the toilet. I looked in the mirror and checked my make up. I hadn't that much on.

After I left the room, I noticed that Belly was gone I rolled my eyes and ran down furiously. It's the first day and Belly puts me in again. I was so in my mind that I didn't notice Conrad in who I bumped in. "Ouch" Did he make and boxed me easily. "What's going on ?" "Eh nothing" I replied and went in the living room. Conrad followed me and said. "Mom and Laurel are at this whale thing" I nodded and put me on the couch. I took out my cell phone and checked my messages. I got one from Hailey. "He sweetie. How's it going ? How's it with Jeremiah ?" I smiled and wrote her back. "Hey hottie. Nothing happened at all" Suddenly Steven jumped on me and I squeaked. "STEVEN" He laughed and pushed me from the couch. I looked at him angrily and boxed him. "Fuck you" Steven made a grimace. "Don't talk in that inappropriate way" I sparkled at him and took a glass standing on the table. I overturned it over him and Steven yelled. "Yahh you idiot" I jumped up and ran out of the house. My brother followed me and when we arrived at the pool, he pushed me in. I gasped for air after I showed up and pulled myself up. I was completely wet and looked angry at Steven. "Steven you idiot ! I had my cell phone in my pocket ! Ugh...I hate you !" I yelled at him. At the same time, i saw Belly and Jeremiah who came back from the beach. "Oh my god what happened ?" Jeremiah asked while he tried not to laugh. Belly came to me and gave me her towel. "Thanks" I said and wrapped it around me. Steven looked a little contrite. "I pushed Layla in the pool" Jeremiah looked confused. "Why is she so upset then ?" "I had my cell phone in my pocket" I hissed and showed him. "I already tried. It doesn't work anymore" Steven looked guilty and said. "I'm sorry Lay" I sparkled at him again and yelled. "I hope you're" Angry, I went into the house and slammed the door. I ran upstairs and threw my cell phone on my bed. I lied there and screamed in my pillow. Ahh why do I have these kind of siblings ?! One puts me in. One destroyed my cell phone. I was angry. Really angry. After a few minutes lying on my bed, I stand up and walked to the closet. I needed new clothes. I choosed a white top and a blue jeans short. Over the top I put on a white sweater jacket. I opened the door and went into the bathroom. I started to blow-dry my hair then I heard someone knocking at the door. "Can I come in ?" It was Belly. "Yeah" I said and she came in. "C-Can I help you ?" Belly asked. I loked at her. "No, not really. I just want to blow-dry my hair" "Okay" She said and went out hesitated.

I rested the last time of the day in my room until Susannah wanted us to come for dinner. At the table, everybody talked and laughed aboit everything. I found out that Jeremiah and Steven would work at the country club and Conrad left the football team. I was shocked about this information. I meant Conrad loved football, like I loved basketball. But after a while I was annoyed. Mom recongised it and asked. "Honey, what happened" "Nothing. Except the fact that Steven pushed me and my phone in the water" I replied. She looked at Steven. "Is that true ?" Steven looked down and said. "Yeah" Mom was ready to yell at him but Susannah stand up and said. "Oh my god. I almost forgot. I have something for Belly and Layla" Mom rolled her eyes and we kids looked curious at her. Susannah came back with two pieces of paper ? She gave us them and meant. "This are invitations for being a debutante" "Oh no. That's why we stopped at the country club" Mom said and Susannah answered. "Oh yes" "What is this debutante thing ?" Belly asked and Susannah meant. "Being a debutante is like becoming an adult. It's the sane as a bat mitzwah" "It's definitely not like bat mitzwah" Mom replied. "I think it's not the right for Belly and Layla. This aren't them" Steven spluttered. "I'm sorry but Belly and Layla becoming an adult ?! I can't I mean Belly you were the one who let us all wear black at a cat furniture. And Layla you still sleep with a light in your room" "Shut up Steven" Belly said. "I saw you crying in your room" Jeremiah looked shocked. "Wait Mochi died ?! Oh I'm sorry guys" I smiled at him. "I will think about it" Belly said suddenly and I also meant. "Yeah me too" Susannah smiled brightly. "Yes, they'll think about it" We ended the dinner after we finished eating and Belly went out for a night swim. I was upstairs and heard Jeremiah and Steven talking about the bonfire. They were on the way downstairs and I asked them. "Hey can I come with you to the bonfire ?" Jeremiah smiled and said. "Ye-" But Steven meant. "No no no no. You're not going anywhere" Then he patted me and walked downstairs. Jeremiah whispered. "Sorry" And followed him. I rolled my eyes like the thousands of times I did this day and went in my room. After a while, Belly ran into my room and said. "Hey let's go to the bonfire, even if they don't want us there" "You sure ?" I asked and she nodded. "I already told mom and Susannah that we're to tired for the movie night" "Okay" I said slowly and Belly smirked. "Then let's go dressing up for it" I laughed and Belly showed me the dress she wanted to wear. "Oh Bells. This is sexy. Where'd you got it ?" I asked her and she replied. "Taylor gifted it me" "Nice" I said and looked in my closet. "What do you think of this ?" I showed a grey skirt and a white top. Belly nodded and squeaked. "Oh my god. It's so cute" "Yeahh i know" I replied and put the outfit on. Then Belly and I plut a little make up on. Like mascara and lipgloss. After that we walked downstairs silently and went slowly to the door. We heard Susannah and mom laughing. Belly smiled and I opened the door.

Let's the party begin !

To be continued...

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