Chapter Five

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The party was really loud when we came and Hailey and I walked to the bar. "Oh my god ! Here are pretty cool drinks" She grabbed one and tried it. Her eyes went big and she said. "Oh. My. God. Layla come and taste this ! This is fantastic" I had to laugh and tasted it. "'s good" Hailey smiled and I saw Nicole coming to me. "Hey Layla ! Glad you're here" She hugged me and I replied. "Nicole ! Hi. Wow your dress is beautiful" She smiled and I continued. "This is my best friend Hailey by the way" Both greeted eachother and then Hailey showed me with her hands that she would go. I nodded and Nicole grabbed my arm. She pulled me to a room, filled with cakes. Belly also stand there and the other girls greeted me. "Hey Layla" I smiled and looked at the cakes. Belly meant. "Wow...girls...thank you" They laughed and I also thanked them. Nicole watched Belly and asked her. "When you gonna ask Cam for being your escort ? I mean if you want him to take you" Belly looked uncomfortable and answered. "Eh...there wasn't a perfect time yet" Gigi nodded and asked. "Layla...who do you want to take to the ball ?" I looked at her and replied. "Not sure yet" That was a point for Gigi ton start to talk about her, taking Jeremiah to the ball. I rolled my eyes and excused myself. "I'm sorry...I want to drink something" Then I walked away. When I was out of the room I grunted silently and started searching for Hailey. I found her kissing a guy in a room. "Sorry" I said and went out of the room. I walked downstairs and went in the living room. I saw Belly and Cameron sitting on the couch while they were talking. Belly waved at me and I sat down next to her. I took my cell phone and looked at my messages. I got one. From ex. 'Wanna see me this vacations ?' I rolled my eyes and texted back. 'No Damion ! Leave me the fuck alone' Then I put the cell phone back to my pocket. I saw Jeremiah coming to me. "Hi" He said with a smile and sat next to me. "How's the party ?" I looked at him and said. "Actually I like it...but it's a little bit loud in here" He nodded and stand up. "Let's go outside" I followed him with a smile and the music was quieter than before. "So...wanna play some basketball ?" He pointed on the hoop, standing beside the house. "Yep sure" I replied and walked there. He gave me the ball and I tried to bring the basketball in the hoop. 

I am playing basketball since I was nine. But in the team at our school were only boys and I didn't feel comfortable, so I trained alone with Hailey. We got pretty good and when we were 13 the coach asked us to found a girls basketball team. So we did. The coach made me to the captain and I was very happy about it. Since a while we attempt at school comparisons. Our team got 1st placed. We were so proud. Playing basketball was everything fo me...and Jeremiah knew. But he didn't know that playing with him was incredible. He was good though but some things didn't work right. After I did some hoops, I decided it was Jeres turn. "C'mon Jere" I meant and he tried to do some hoops. I blocked him and sneaked the ball away from him. I ran away and he ran after me. "Hey ! Lay" He cried and catch me. His arms were around my wrist and his face was just a few centimeters away from mine. Jeremiah smirked and whispered. "Got ya" Then he leaned up to my face and kissed me. It was a soft and wonderful kiss. I could feel butterflies inside my My heart punded massive. I took my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. Of coure I returned it. It was like a dream. We kissed a while until he stopped and said. "I know you like me" Wait...what ? How does he- "But don't worry. I like you too" He continued and a warm smile entered his lips. I gasped and blushed. "Wait...really ? You don't like Gigi ?" He looked confused and answered. "Why Gigi ? She is acting like a slut" I was embarrassed and looked down. "Oh ehm okay" Jeremiah moved my chin up and kissed me again. I smiled and returned it. We stopped and he asked. "Layla Conklin. I know you my whole life and you're one of my favourite persons in th world. You're the prettiest person I've met. So I am asking : Do you want to be my girlfriend ?" I hugged him and whispered-screamed. "Yes yes ! Of course I want to ! I love you" A big smile was on his lips and he said. "I love you too" 

I took his hand and we walked back to the party. Before we could enter the house, I could see Belly and Cam going to his car. "Belly" I called her. "What happened ?" "You're still asking ?" She cried and closed the car door loudly. Then they drove away. What the fuck just happened ? 

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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