Chapter Two

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Belly and I walked like one half hour until we arrived at the beach. I was shocked. There were so many people. Like 60 ? 70 ? I was thinking about whre the boys were and Belly took my hand as she saw that this creepy guy from the store came to us. "Hey gas station girl" He said and smiled at her. "Hey" Belly answered shyly. "You can have my beer" The guy meant but Bells declined it. Suddenly Steven ran to us and yelled. "Hey stay the fuck away from them ! And who are you ?" The guy smirked. "Who the fuck are you ?" Steven rolled his eyes. "I'm their brother and they are 15 you pedo" The guy excused and walked away. Belly said. "Actually we're almost" Steven looked at us madly and cried. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?" I replied. "Just watching the bonfire" Our brother wanted to yell again, but out of nowhere Jeremiah appeared and said. "Hey Lay, hey Bells. Nice to see you" He smiled brightly and I felt butterflies in my stormach. I immediately started to smile too. The girl next to Steven meant. "Come on Steven. Let's go" He looked at us angry again and said then. "You can stay here but don't move ! Just stand right here" "FUCK YOU" Belly screamed and showed him two middlefingers. "Let's go sis" I said and smiled at her. "You both look actually hot" Jere meant and I replied. "Thank you ! You too" He smirked and boxed me softly. "Thank you madam" Jermiah said and turned around after hearing a girl calling him. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back" He said. I smiled and meant to Belly. "He I'm gonna look for something to drink okay ?" She nodded and I walked away. I tried to come trough the crowd. It was really exhausting. After I got it I found a crate filled with soft drinks. I grabbed one cherry coke and one zero coke. With the two bottles I went back to Bells. But as I returned to the place, Belly was standing before, I couldn't see her. I started worrying. Did something happen ? I needed to find one of the boys. They would help me to find her. So I started to look for the boys. The first one I could see was... Jeremiah...of course. I ranned to him and asked worried."Have you seen Belly ?" He looked overwhelmed and answered. "Eh she ran this way" I nodded and wanted to go there but Jere stopped me. "I think she wants to be alone" He said. "But why ?" I questioned and looked up to him. "She and Conrad had a little fight" Oh no. I tought. Poor Belly. But I knew that she prefered to stay alone at this times. "Oh okay" I replied and a feeling of being lost came over me. Jeremiah smirked and said. "I can stay with you if you want" I blushed and stuttered. "O-Okay" He took my hand and pulled me to a quieter place. Jere sat down and I did also. "May I have one of the coke ?" He asked and I meant. "Yeah of course. Which one do you want ?" "The zero one" Jeremiah said with his beautiful smile and I gave him the coke. I looked to the ocean and closed my eyes. I could hear the seagulls and the sound of the waves. A voice waked me up from my dream. "It's beautiful right ?" It was Jeremiah. "Yes" I replied. "Yes it is" Silence came over us and we watched the night sky. Out of context, Jeremiah leaned up to me and whispered near my ear. "Do you know that you have beautiful eyes ?" My face turned red and I stuttered. "Eh t-thank you" He smiled and started to play with one strand of hair from me. I could feel the butterflies in my stormach. I was completely lost in his eyes. The gorgeous ocean blue eyes. I felt like I lost myself in them. Slowly moved our faces to eachother and our lips almost met eachother but suddenly a girl screamed. "They are gonna fight !!" We frightened and looked to the place, the girl screamed from. "Fuck" Jere shouted and jumped up. "What happened ?" I asked and followed him fastly. We both runned to the place and then I saw it. Two boys were fighting and one of them was...Conrad. I recognised Belly standing next to a boy I didn't know. I saw with relieve to her but it fastly changed to concern. Belly stand between the two boys trying to stop them. The other boy punshed her in the face. I screamed and ran to Belly. After checking on her I yelled. "EY ARE YOU SERIOUS ?! YOU ASSHOLE !" He tried to hit me too but I was faster than him. I gave him a hard uppercut. After that I turned around and wanted to go to the boys and Belly. The only thing I felt was a hard thing threw at my head. I fell down and became unconscious...

When I waked up I felt dizzy. Where was I ? I tried to put me up but soon as I tried, i felt pain in my head. "Owww" I made and touched my back head. I could feel an association. What happened last night ? Despite it I stand up and opened the door. I walked downstairs right to the kitchen. "Oh my god ! Lay, you're awake !" I heard Belly screaming. "Oww ! Yes I am" I said quietly. My head hurted so much. "Could you please talk quietly ?" I asked her and she nodded. "I'm going to bring mom" She went away and came back with mom. She immediately ran to me and checked on me. "Are you okay honey ? Is your head hurting ? Do you need anything ?" Mom pulled me to the table and gave me a chair. "It's okay. Yeah my head hurts and no I don't need anything. Not right now" She smiled and hugged me softly. "Oh honey, I am so glad you're okay" I smiled too and asked. "What happened ? Why do I have this kind of association ? I just can remember that I punched this creep" Moms face turned angry. "Yeah...then this guy throw a stone at you. Jeremiah catched before you could fall on the ground and then the police found us. The calledthe emergency and you were taken to the hospital" I needed a few seconds to make sure I understand everything and then I said. "Oh I really can't remember" Mom made and sound like a snake and meant. "I am really upset with you ! You could've die !" I rolled my eyes. "Mom I'm here. I'm alive. And the headache is almost gone" She grunted and wanted to said something but Susannah came in. "Oh Layla you're awake. That's nice. Belly just choosed to be an debutante. What about you ?" She asked happily and hugged me softly. "Erm...sure. I'm going to do that too" I smiled at her and Mom rolled her eyes. Susannah took Bellys and my hand. "We have to go shopping. Is everthing okay with you head ?" I answered her. "Yeah yeah sure"

A few minutes later we were on the way to different stores. First we went to a store that sells the dresses for debutants. Belly and I tried a lot of but I selected one with no sleeves. It was so pretty. "I want this" I said and Susannah clapped her hands. "This looks so beautiful at you" The three said and after we found a dress for Belly we left the store. We also bought this little hats Belly and I needed to wear at the debutante lessons. I was really tired after the shopping tour and had to sleep until we had to go the the country club. "I will wake you up" Belly said and I walked upstairs. After I felt in my bed, I slept directly...

To be continued...

Heyo :) just an info. i will reveal the dress from Layla in the chapter where's the debutante ball :)

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