Chapter Three

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"Layla" I heard a voice next to my ear. "Layla wake up. We have to dress up for the deb lessons" I grunted and opened my eyes slowly. "W-what time is it ?" I said while I tried to suppress yawning. Belly was sitting on my bed and answered. "We've 2 pm" I stand up hecticy and looked at the mirror. "Oh my god ! I look horrible" I meant and Belly laughed. "No you don't. You look beautiful" A warm smile crossed my lips and saw that she was already dressed up. I grabbed my outfit and put it on. It was a white dress with strawberries on it. (example : ) "Don't forget your hat" She said and I took it. After I grabbed my bag we went downstairs. Mom and Susannah already waited for us. "You look so beautiful" Susannah complimented us and we replied. "Thanks" She hugged us and mom said. "I will bring you there" We nodded and followed her outside. "Bye. Have fun!" Susannah shouted and waved at us. 

In the car I put on a nude lipstick and asked mom something. "Hey know that Steven destroyed my cell phone...and I want to ask you if I may get a new one" She sighed. "I will see what I can do" I smiled and said. "Thank you" We arrived at the country club and we exit the car. "Bye mom" Belly said and I waved as a 'goodbye' Mom opened the car window. "Girls. You know that you don't have to do that. If you want to leave, remind of the code word" I smiled. "Yeah. Lemon Jelly Belly" Belly chuckled and we walked to the main building. I saw Jeremiah walking with towels ? "Hey Jeremiah" I shouted and he smiled as he saw us. "Hey Layla, Belly i didn't recognised you" He didn't wear any shirt and I tried to stay focused. Belly saw it and giggled. "Ehm I'll go ahead" She went away and I was alone now. With Jeremiah. I didn't know what to say because of yesterday but I choosed to be thankful first. "Eh thank you for catching me up before i could fall yesterday" I said and blushed a little bit. "No problem" Jeremiah replied. "Always for you" He smiled brightly and righted me his hand. "Shall we go in ?" Jere asked and I looked confused. "Wait you go in with me ?" The boy next to me chuckled. "Of course" I looked at him and meant. "But you don't wear a shirt" He raised an eyebrow. "I just bring a beautifull deb for tea time" Jere said with a dramatical voice. My face turned red. He called me beautiful. "Okay" I said and we walked inside. Before we entered the room I grabbed his hand and he looked to me. "Hey sunshine...everything will be alright. You gonna rock this" I smiled and looked also at him. We stared at eachother for a few seconds until I heard a throad cleaning. "Jeremiah what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be at the pool ?" The called one chuckled. "No it happened a little mess...i just bring I mean Layla Conklin" "Hello" I said and smiled. The women raised her eyebrows. "You're late. Sit down at table 2" I nodded and whispered. "See ya later" Jeremiah winked and left the room. I walked to table two and spotted Belly. "Hey Bells" She smiled and said. "Hey can sit next to me. I saved a seat for you" "Thank you" I replied and looked to the other girls. I knew two of them. One of them was the girl, Steven was with and the other one was the girl, Conrad was hooking up with. The girl next to me tipped my shoulder and said. "Hey I'm Shayla" I answered. "Nice name. I'm Layla" Shayla chuckled and we started to talk. She seems very kind and I absolutely loved her style. Our conversation was interrupted when a blonde girl asked me something. "Are you and Jeremiah like a - thing or a thing thing ?" Her eyes glowed and I replied. "Ehm I don't know why I should tell you this" Belly tried to changed the topic but then she saw somebody outside and ran away. What was that ? I asked myself and drifted away with my thoughts...

After the deb meeting Belly and I went back to the summerhouse. I had to change my  association so I went to the bathroom. While I changed it I wasn't really there with my thoughts. They were by...Jeremiah. I thought about last night. We almost kissed. Did he know that I'm in love with him ? Does he like me more than a friend ? Many questions came up in my head and I sighted. I exited the room and bumped into Conrad again. "God. You scared me" I said and he laughed. "You're still so easy to scare" I made a grimace and laughed fake. "Anyway" Conrad meant. "Laurel and Mom said I should drive you in town. For buying a new phone" I was shocked. "Wait really ? Whoa cool" He smirked and made the 'follow me' sign. We went outside and entered the car. "Thank you for driving me" I said and Connie replied. "Welcome" We drove twenty minutes and arrived near an apple shop. "Wait. Since when does Cousins have an apple store ?" Conrad made the 'i don't know' sign. We entered the store and he leaded me to the desk with iphone 12. "Mom won't buy me this i guess" I sighed and looked to the pastel green version. I really loved the design. "Maybe I could save some money. I will buy it later" I said after a few minutes. "Hey do you know where could I work ?" Conrad shook his head and said. "Ask Jere or Steven" I nodded but Conrad meant suddenly. "Em want us to use her money to buy you a new iphone" I was shocked. Susannah wanted to buy me a iphone ? Why should she do that ? I was realy confused when he pulled out the the credit card. "You sure ?" I asked but Conrad smiled. "Yeah I'm definetly sure. She send me a voice message" He played it and I could hear Susannahs voice. "Hey darling. I left you my credit card. Please use it to buy a new iphone for Layla. Laurel wasn't really happy but I changed her mind. She and Steven gave me some money to help with paying. Thank you" "Oh" I made and ooked up to him. Conrad chuckled and said. "So you wanna buy this one ?" He held the pastel green iphone and I nodded. "Yeah...I really like it" I replied and smirked. "Then we gonna buy it" He went to the checkout and said. "Hello we want the pastel green iphone 12" The cashier nodded and said. "This makes 620,99 $ please" Conrad payed with the credit card and gave me the bag with the iphone in it. "Here your new cell phone" He said gently and I answered."Thank you" We left the store and drove back to the house. 

After we arrived I ran in my room and installed my new iphone. When I put in the sim card I texted Hailey first.  ~Hey Hailey ! I got a new phone :) I'm glad that you'll come tomorrow. I have to tell you so many things~

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