Chapter Four

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When I woke up, I could feel the sun at my face. I stand up and picked up my cell phone. Hailey sent me a message ! 'Hey Lay !! Happy birthday, sweetie <3'  I was a little bit shocked. "Oh's my birthday !!!" I realised and smiled brightly. I changed my clothes fastly and walked downstairs. Everyone was there and were looking up when I came in. "Hey ! Haopy birthday !" Steven said and hugged me. "Thanks" I replied. I saw Jeremiah walking straight to me and he said with a big smile. "Lay...happy birthday !" He hugged me and I smiled. "Thank you, Jere" Mom hugged me after that and meant. "You're growing so fast" Susannah laughed and also hugged me. "Happy birthday !" She said. "I guess you don't want the pancakes ?" "Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't like pancakes as much" It was the truth. I meant...Belly was the one who liked them. For me, they are to sweet. Belly ran into the room and jumped at me. "Happy birthday sis" I struggled with standing at the same point and laughed. "Bells...chill." I also answered. "But anyway...happy birthday to you too" She smiled and Susannah leaded us into the living room. "It's gift time" She said happily and we sat down. First, mom gave each one of us a gift. It felt like a book. "I bought you poem books. The paper marks you favourite poem" Mom said and Belly started to read her poem. I was sunk in my own favourite poem. A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns. I really love this ! Quietly I read it and a little smile entered my lips. I looked up and said. "Thanks mom" She smiled. "You're welcome" Belly was also happy and Steven was the next giving us gifts. "Thanks" I meant and unpacked it. It was a hoodie. With Princeton on it. "That's cool" Belly said and Steven laughed. "I know if I get in, you would steal them" I smirked and looked to Jeremiah because he wanted to give us his gifts. "Here" He said with a smile and gave me a little box. I opened it and saw a star necklace. Wow ! It was beautiful. "Thank you Jere...I really like it. It's beautiful" Jeremiah smiled brightly and I looked to Belly. She got a new trialer for her bracelet. She was very happy and Jeremiah said. "It's a car key. It will bring you luck" "Thank you" She said and smiled. Next one was Susannah. She gave Bells her gift and Belly opened it. It was a pearl necklace. Beautiful. "I weared it as a debutante too. And now...I wish you could wear it" Belly was shocked. "Wow...Susannah...thank you. I definitely will" She replied and Susannah smiled. Now...just one is left. Conrad. He gave me a cell phone case for my new phone. It was a self created one. I looked at it and saw photos. Hailey and me. Jere and me. Conrad, Belly, Steven, Jeremiah and me. Belly and me. I was really happy and said. "Thank you, Conrad" He nodded and Belly looked curious at him. I was confused. Wait...didn't he got one for her ? Susannah was also confused and asked. "Connie...won't you give your gift to her ?" Conrad looked at her and replied. "I forgot" Bellys smile frozed and she looked down. "Oh it's okay" I looked at her and said. "Hey Bells...let's pick up Taylor and Hailey" She looked at me and I asked. "Jere ? Can you drive us ?" He nodded and stand up. "Okay. Let's go" We also stand up and went outside. "Bye. See you" I said and entered the car. Belly sat in the back and I set next to Jermiah. This drive was quiet. We didin't talk that much. 

After we arrived, we exited the car and waited for the bus. "Are you excited to see Hailey ?" Jeremiah asked and I looked up to him. "Yeah sure. She is my best friend. I'm happy that she comes here" I answered with a smile. Suddenly,  Belly screamed. "THEY'RE HERE" I looked at the street and saw the bus coming. Finally. Hailey and Taylor came out of the bus and Hailey ran to me. "Heyyy Layla !! Happy birthday !" She screamed and hugged me. "Thank you !" I replied and she whispered in my ear. "How is it between Jeremiah and you ?" A big smile entered my lips and a said. "It's intresting" Hailey slapped me softly and rolled her eyes. "C'mon tell me" I shook my head. "Not now" She sighted and took my hand. "Okay" I looked to the car and saw Belly waving. "We gonna eat bananasplit" I nodded and took Hailey with me. We entered the car and Jermiah smiled at me. "Let's go" He said.

When we arrived at the kiosk, Belly and Taylor ordered a bananasplit. Both ate it and Hailey gave me a gift. "For you" She said and I smiled. I unpacked it and saw a grey skirt and a white crop top in it. "Thank you" I replied happily and hugged her again. Taylor gifted Belly a bikini. "What we gonna do at this evening ?" Belly started to tell, that we do a special dinner today but Taylor didn't seem very happy. "Aren't here any parties ?" She asked. "Nicole is throwing a party today" Jeremiah replied and Taylor smiled. "Yes ! We will go there. Thank you for the idea Jeremy" Jeremiah shook his head and stand up. "Let's go back to the house" He said and we entered the car.

It was 6 pm and time for dinner. Susannah gave us flower wreaths and she made some special food. We sat at the table and talked about several things. It was a very chill dinner except that the boys teased Belly and me. Belly invited Cameron. The boy, she met at the bonfire. He was friendly but I didn't understand why she was with him now. I thought she likes Conrad...

After we ended the dinner, Hailey and I went upstairs and got ready for the party tonight. I weared the clothes Hailey gifted me and the necklace, Jeremiah gave me. I touched it and Hailey smiled at me. "Did Jeremiah gave it to you ?" She asked and I smiled brightly. "Yeah" Hailey made a little jump and screamed. "Omg you look so hot !" I laughed and said. "Thank you ! You too !" We walked downstairs and entered Moms car, Steven was driving. 

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