-Crash- (1)

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Characters: America, Russia, Germany and Canada


America hummed to himself as he drove under the moon, his fingers tapping in the steering wheel quietly, taking the driving shift right after Canada, who drove the morning.

He, Russia, Germany and Canada planned a little road trip to camp together, having it planned since last month and finally putting it on action.

Russia was in the passenger seat tapping on his phone while both Germany and Canada slept in the backseat.

Everything was calm as the radio station was in a low voice, the news channel giving a comforting sound in the calm car, the heating system on as the rain tapped gently on the car.

Russia closed his phone and rested his head on the soothing cold window, enjoying the sound of the rain on glass as he looked at the looming trees in the road.

"Don't tell me you'll sleep too." Russia snorted at America's complain and straightened up in his seat. "Wasn't planning to but I wouldn't mind sleeping than staying with you." Russia teased as America turned to him with a deep frown.

"Now I'm offended, sir."

That made the Russian laugh and push America's face away. "Serves you right!" He snickered and turned to look out the window and it went back to the comfortable silence.

"What do you think of the rain?" Russia asked as he stared out the window, his pressed cheek freezing in the process.

"Why the sudden question?"

"Trying to start a conversation."

"Really..?" America chuckled and heard Russia shuffling in his jacket. "I mean, it's working?" Russia smirked as America rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a fan of getting wet in the rain, my siblings have other plans though." He smiled in memory. "The moment a little droplet falls and they're all out."

Russia smiled as his mind replayed memories as well. "Yeah.." he looked out the window again and got lost down in memory lane and America let him be.

"No careful! Kaz don't- don't eat that mud!" Russia yelled at his little brother whom held the mud ball high up happily.

"It's a mud pie silly!" He said as Moldova grinned and asked for a piece, making Russia grimace as they both were about to eat it.

"Kaz, Moldova, drop the mud and get inside, the rain is getting stronger!"

"Yes papa!" They all walked inside and that's when Ukraine and their mother decided to make something hot to drink, seeing as the boys were soaking wet from the rain, except for Belarus who was with his father, playing with his puzzle and Kazakhstan immediately joined them after he changed to dry clothes.

He remembered looking up at his mother who wiped his cheeks and smiled at him, handing him his mug of hot chocolate and putting a blanket around him.

Russia's eyes were closing slowly, swearing that he could smell the familiar hot chocolate made by his mother and sister.

But it was all interrupted by the sudden tree fall before them.

"Watch out watch out!" Russia gripped his seat tightly and could hear Germany and Canada behind him.

America's knuckles were white as he spun the steering wheel to avoid crashing the tree but due to the wet asphalt, he easily lost control of the car and the next thing, they couldn't tell which way is up or down.

The car swiveled outside the road and fell down the hill, flipping five times and was about to flip even more but a large tree stopped it, bending the car slightly and then it was quiet.

America blinked in shock as he heard the car's beeping system and saw the many lights were on and he pulled the key out and sighed shakily, the adrenaline pumping through him to the point where he didn't feel the pain in his body.

The sudden silence was broken with Germany crying weakly as he was behind Russia's seat, arm bending in the most unnatural way as it was trapped by the bent door, his cheek bleeding from the broken glass and wood entering the car.

Canada on the other hand was shaken up and gripping his seatbelt with shaking hands, his shoulder throbbing with pain and his lower body felt like it was on fire from the flipping car as he felt his ankle in an immense pain.

"A-Ame.." he called out weakly, almost entering a panic attack as he felt confused, one moment he was asleep and now he's in a crushed car where he barely managed to move his body.

"Calm down..everything's alright.." Russia spoke up, ignoring every screaming muscle in him as he tried to reach for his phone, stopping and screaming in pain when his side was irritated and he looked down at it, breathing weakly and laughing.

"Russia..?" America turned to his friend shakily and looked at him, for some reason, he couldn't judge Russia for laughing, sometimes getting shocked does that.

"There's a branch inside my side.." Russia breathed weakly as he lowered his head and could feel the pain hurting him too much. "It hurts.." he tried to pull it out but he only made it worse as he groaned, the warm blood coming his jacket and seat.

America closed his eyes as he let his tears fall. He wanted to move, to reach his hand under his legs where his phone fell or to look for any phone nearby but every fiber of his body was begging him to stop moving.

Germany's cries broke their hearts as the country was in a full panic mode, his crying was enough to make Canada hiccup and bite his lip to mute his sobs, both feeling scared and lost, the rain entering from the windows and mixing with his tears.

"It's alright, it's alright.." America tried to assure them as he ignored his aching body and reached under his leg, having to guess where his phone fell and once he held it he smiled triumphantly and immediately went to the emergency calls and dialed the number.

Russia breathed weakly as he rested his head back, letting the rain and wood tickle his cheek, the cold wind numbing his exposed body, he felt every breathe he took was like a spike in his side, his head lulled to the side from how dizzy he was feeling.

He couldn't make out the phone call where America was talking to the ambulance as he tried to breathe without causing pain to himself, hearing the weak cries behind him from Germany and Canada.

Russia couldn't get annoyed or mad at the two countries, they let their emotions out and if he would be honest, he wanted to cry as well, but he just couldn't.

"I-it's okay, Germany.." Canada said with his wavering voice as he tried to reach out for the trapped winged German. "Ame called for help..they'll come for us..does anything else hurt you..? Your wings..? Head..?"

Germany's cries calmed down as they were now sniffles and whimpers. "N-no...just...m-my arm..." he said as he looked around him.

"Please hurry.." they all turned to America who clutched his phone and did his best not to lose his grip on his emotions.

Soon his hand fell on his lap as he let out a shuddering breath.

"They'll come...they are coming...j-just stay awake.." America said tiredly and closed his eyes tightly.

"It's alright..."

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