☆-The End And The Split

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A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait and the disappearance of me- I finally got the motivation to write this request! It's heavily loaded with lore to my CH world
Request by GreenBerry, sorry for the delay of answering it

Now not to be too long with the note, I hope that everyone enjoys it!

Characters: Third Reich, Germany, Austria, Russia, Soviet, America, France and United Kingdom
TW: mentions of war and a discretion of an unpleasant death-


Footsteps echoed through the room as the man in black kept walking in circles, his thoughts doing the same in his mind, tirelessly moving in a spiral.

And each thought he had lean to the same answer, he failed. He failed his plans for a greater Germany and he failed himself. He failed his son and his father.

Everything lead to his failure, but he didn't want to believe it. He hoped that from among these thoughts would bloom a hopeful counter plan to all of this.

But the sound of the yelling generals and the roar of the tanks that reached him even under his bunker said the opposite.

A knock was heard on the door and it opened, revealing Austria standing with a bag in his shoulder. "It's ready..."

Reich gave a curt nod and turned behind him to the little figure that was hiding, with only his legs peaking from under the desk.

There laid Germany flat on his stomach, a smile sprawled on his face as he hummed. In his hand was a crayon that he was currently using to draw the picture, over his ears were the noise canceling headset, that made Germany clueless as to what was surrounding him. Leaving him in another world, a peaceful world where he could draw and sing and play with no fear. Reich wished to be in that said world that his son is in right now. But he doesn't have the time to daydream the unachievable.

Germany looked up when his father's shadow looked over him and he grinned wildly, fixing his glasses and holding up the page. "I'm almost done, Vati!" His voice was louder than usual due to the headset. "Guess who I'm drawing!"

Reich smiled a forced smile to hide his fatigue and lifted up Germany, holding him in his arms and hugging him. The hug was tighter than usual, and the little child felt both confused and scared. "Vati?"

Reich pecked his son's forehead and turned him to look over at Austria, who gave the child a nod.

"I'll go with Austria...? Where?" Germany tried to take off the headset but Reich moved his hand away and shook his head. "But-"

Germany wasn't given a chance to talk as he was put in Austria's arms and watched the two adults talk, but he couldn't hear them.

"Will you be okay...?" Austria asked in worry. "Just surrender, it's easier-"

"Not when I reached this point. It's useless to surrender. I've already brought too much shame. Surrendering is not an option."

Austria looked disappointed but shook his head and turned away. "I'll see you around." He said it out of hope, and Reich only snorted, not answering. How pitiful to have hope to see the sun again.

Germany looked up at Austria and then back at the closing door of Reich's office in the bunker. Looking up again, Germany's eyes widened when he saw the unshed tears in Austria's eyes while carrying the child.

Germany didn't hear himself whining when the bunker soon disappeared and he found himself outside in the grey city. It has never been like this, lifeless, colorless. Dead.

The city was Germany's best part whenever he and his father would take their walk together, yet now it looked like a nightmare.

He felt Austria run to a car and put him inside, buckling the seatbelt tightly and closing the door, then went to the driver seat and they both took off in a speeding hurry.

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