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Characters: America, South Korea, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine and WHO (World Health Organization)

TW: mention of mental illness, antidepressants, overdose (doesn't happen but it's mentioned, this chapter is actually lighthearted but covers deep subjects)


"Ame!" A loud shout erupted inside America's office with a kick of his door that swung it open. "Get up! UN paid a coffee shop to open a small stand down the ground floor and make free coffee for everyone! They are sitting up their things, let's get in line before anyone else knows!" Standing there with a gun from ear to ear was South Korea, delivering the news to America.

"You. Are. Joking." America grabbed his shades and jacket as soon as he heard the words 'free coffee' escape South Korea's lips, putting them on and running out of his office, the Asian country right after him with a loud laugh.

As America ran, careless to notice the small item that fell out of his jacket pocket while he was wearing it. The small plastic bottle rolled on the ground, stopping once it hit Russia's feet.

Watching the two countries run like the lunatics they were, Russia looked down at the bottle and tilted his head. "Mm?" Bending down and picking the bottle up, he shook it. "Hey Ame, you lost your candy!" He yelled out yet America was too far to listen.

Russia shrugged his shoulder and opened the bottle, seeing a little handful of colorful gummies with the shape of a crescent. "Eh, I'll buy him a newer one." He said monotonously and ate some as he walked over to Germany's office.

Knocking the door, he walked inside after hearing Germany speak to 'get in.' Russia slouched down on the leather seat that was in front of the desk, chewing on the last two gummies. "Didn't know Ame has a good taste in candies." He said while playing with the empty bottle. "Do you know where they sell these?"

Germany didn't lift his head up as he wrote down his notes and Russia knew his friend heard him, he gave him his time in filling up his file, looking at the ceiling and yawning, muttering about suddenly feeling sleepy even though it's still morning.

Once finishing the last line and closing the file, Germany did turn to Russia and took the bottle. "Huh?" He looked at it and paled immediately after seeing the label, opening the lid and seeing the whole thing empty. "Russia! Did you read before you ate it?!" Germany frantically shouted as he turned the bottle to Russia. "These are sleeping gummies!"

Russia gulped while he blinked his eyes, sweating as he opened his mouth to speak but -not surprisingly- was interrupted by a yawn. "W-what?! Why did America bring these?!" Russia tried to twist the fault on America but he knows it's useless

"How many did you eat?!"

"F-four." Russia answered and felt his head spin a little, resting it back on the seat suddenly. "Ugh...that's why I'm feeling a bit too tired.."



"We got it!" America said triumphantly while holding up his coffee, shaking the cup and listening to the rhythmic ice hit the cup while he and South Korea left the stand, going back to their office floors. "Can't believe we managed to get in line first too. Thanks for telling me early, South. Now let's take a picture!" America smirked and took out his phone taking a picture of his drink with his companion. "Neat~ Nada will be so mad about not getting his own." He grinned mischievously.

South laughed and held the cardboard cup holder in his hands, having his drink and an extra one as well. "I'll go see my brother and give him his drink, thanks for joining me!" South smiled and parted ways while America sipped his coffee and got out the elevator, going back to his office.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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