-The Collapse-

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Characters: Soviet, Siberia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and America.

Soviet let out a tired sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, putting the files down on the dining table and rubbing his nose. "This isn't going well."

The smell of coffee hit his nose as he opened his eye and saw Siberia refill his cup with a sad smile. "Hard times come and go..I'm sure this is just one of them.." she assured gently and sat down on the chair next to his. "I'm hopeful it'll go smooth."

Soviet smiled in gratitude as he sipped his coffee and looked at the time, getting up to wake Russia so he could go with him to the meeting.

Standing by the door of Russia and Belarus' room, he was about to knock on it gently but decided not to when he saw Belarus in a deep slumber.

"россия." Soviet shook his eldest son's shoulder. "Wake up, we'll be leaving in an hour."

Russia sat on his bed and yawned, giving his father a nod that he's awake and went to the bathroom.

Returning to the kitchen, he saw Siberia making breakfast. "Are you up for some plans today?" Soviet sat down and asked while collecting his papers.

"Actually." She stirred the porridge with a smile and was standing on her toes. "I wanted to ask you if it's okay to go out to the city with the kids! You and Russia will be out and won't return until later at night, and the kids haven't had some time in the town for a while."

Soviet smiled tiredly and chuckled. "Of course..say, how about you bring dinner from a takeout? You don't have to cook tonight."

Siberia blushed and grinned. "I won't say no." She laughed. "I'll let that be a surprise for them then~" she smirked as she prepared the bowls, just as Moldova and Kazakhstan were coming downstairs and started the morning with their energetic characters.

Once Soviet and Russia finished breakfast, Ukraine was collecting the dishes as they both got up and took their necessities, going to the door.

"Take care you two." Siberia said to them while brushing Soviet's ushanka from any dirt and put it over his head, pecking his cheek gently.

"We will." He smiled and noticed Russia slowly sneaking behind him before he gets a kiss yet Siberia reached her hand out, grabbing Russia from his sleeve and pulled him down to her height, kissing his cheek aggressively and it made Russia groan in embarrassment.

"I was going to give you a peck but seeing you try to escape made me change plans." Siberia put her hands on her hips and chuckled. "Take care of your father for me."

Russia rubbed his cheek and smiled down at her. "I will, мама."


"Father, do you think it'll go easy today..?" Russia asked as he looked outside the window of the car.

Soviet stared ahead of himself at the road, letting the question linger in the air a bit longer. If he could be honest, it wasn't easy. Things haven't been easier around the country and yet he's trying his best to hold everything together.

"Let's hope it does." Soviet said with a tired smile as his eyes looked at Russia's in the mirror.

Yet Russia's eyes seemed lost and held sorrow in them.

"What's wrong?"

Russia took a shuddering breath and shrugged a shoulder. "I don't feel good about today.."

Soviet put his hand over Russia's. "Don't over think things.."

"But-" Russia was ready to argue about how things didn't look hopeful, how things seemed against them. Yet he was cut off by his father parking and getting out of the car and Russia stayed there, looking down at his shaking hands.

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