006. powerpuff girls

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liked by oakleyblack , dracoluciusmalfoy and othersmackpotter im so ready for halloween 😆view all 183 commentsoakleyblack only 19 days!↳mackpotter ik i'm so excited dracoluciusmalfoy halloween is like 2 weeks away↳mackpotter exactly it's so soon ...

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liked by oakleyblack , dracoluciusmalfoy and others
mackpotter im so ready for halloween 😆
view all 183 comments
oakleyblack only 19 days!
mackpotter ik i'm so excited
dracoluciusmalfoy halloween is like 2 weeks away
mackpotter exactly it's so soon :))
harryjamespotter how many costumes do you have??
mackpotter 3 😆
blaisez how do you have 3 costumes?!
mackpotter one by myself, one w lucky, and another duo one
blaisez merlin that's a lot

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seen by mackpotter , theodorenott and others

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seen by mackpotter , theodorenott and others

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her tie is literally green what are you talking about

you only have 2 classes today luck

what lessons do you have today?

um advanced dada and muggle studies



liked by ferret , chosenone , luckygirl and otherszucchini are you tired there oak ?tagged : luckygirl , gurlpotterview all 39 commentsferret what is mack doing

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liked by ferret , chosenone , luckygirl and others
zucchini are you tired there oak ?
tagged : luckygirl , gurlpotter
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ferret what is mack doing..
gurlpotter who knows
luckygirl let me sleep😕
nottheo how can she sleep with snapes screaming
zucchini who knows
prettygirlpansy i sleep in snapes class too
choseone weird ass slytherins

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liked by blaisez , oakleyblack , and othersginnyweasley bestfriends tagged : oakleyblack , mackpotter view all 592 comments blaisez our very own powerpuff girls ↳ginnyweasley omg i love that!!!oakleyblack my babies 💋↳liked by ginnyweasleymollywea...

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liked by blaisez , oakleyblack , and others
ginnyweasley bestfriends
tagged : oakleyblack , mackpotter
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blaisez our very own powerpuff girls
ginnyweasley omg i love that!!!
oakleyblack my babies 💋
↳liked by ginnyweasley
mollyweasley you three are stunning
ginnyweasley thank you mom
dracoluciusmalfoy where are you guys
ginnyweasley taco place
harryjamespotter weirdos
mackpotter ignore harry he's an ass

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liked by theodorenott , ginnyweasley and otherspparkinson my girls tagged : ginnyweasley , oakleyblack , mackpotter view all 619 commentsoakleyblack girlfriendss :)↳liked by pparkinson theodorenott oakley looks nice ↳pparkinson hmm just friends th...

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liked by theodorenott , ginnyweasley and others
pparkinson my girls
tagged : ginnyweasley , oakleyblack , mackpotter
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oakleyblack girlfriendss :)
↳liked by pparkinson
theodorenott oakley looks nice
pparkinson hmm just friends tho right??
ronaldweasley pls leave my sister alone
ginnyweasley go away ronald
harryjamespotter how do you guys just leave without getting detention
pparkinson 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

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authors note :

this one is kinda iffy but it's basically a filler so I can get to Halloween 🤗🤗

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