009. studying

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seen by oakleyblack , theodorenott, and others

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seen by oakleyblack , theodorenott, and others

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wanna come to hogsmede with me?

in like 15 if that's okay? i wanna hangout with luck for a few more minutes

sounds good



seen by mattheoriddle , theodorenott and others

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seen by mattheoriddle , theodorenott and others

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you look hot black.
wanna come over 

not tn matt i really need to study

you're so pretty oakley!!



like by dracoluciusmalfoy and othersmackpotter baby💚tagged: dracoluciusmalfoyview all 138 comments dracoluciusmalfoy 🩷🩷🩷↳liked by mackpotter harryjamespotter oh barfoakleyblack ahhh yay finally ↳liked by mackpotter oakleyblack jk jk i already ...

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like by dracoluciusmalfoy and others
mackpotter baby💚
tagged: dracoluciusmalfoy
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dracoluciusmalfoy 🩷🩷🩷
↳liked by mackpotter
harryjamespotter oh barf
oakleyblack ahhh yay finally
↳liked by mackpotter
oakleyblack jk jk i already knew just wanted to share my excitement 😁😁😁
theodorenott about time potter
mackpotter hmm who else needs to get together i wonder??

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theo are we okay?
i haven't seen you outside of class in like over 2 weeks and you've barely said 10 words to me

we're fine black
ive just been busy

black? since when do you call me black?

it's your name isnt it?
i gotta go. im meeting up with carly.

oh okay
read 10:18pm



seen by zucchini , ferret , nottheo and others

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seen by zucchini , ferret , nottheo and others

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what is she studying so much for?

shes leaving early for christmas break early
so she is taking her semester finals early


she's leaving early nott.

theo nott
what are you going on about blaise

oak is going back home early.
she leaves on thursday

theo nott
why would she leave early?

mack said somethings going on with her
mum i dont know mate but dont let her
leave thinking you're mad at her

theo nott
i am mad at her?

yes, for no bloody reason.
so what if she hung out with me and riddle
she is obsessed with you nott

theo nott
no she isnt, and i could care less that she is leaving early its not my business

whatever be an arse but you're gonna
regret it and yknow it
read 11:53pm


authors note ::
i got logged out of my pinterest that had all the boards for all my stories on it😀😀. so ive been starting completely over which is why this took so damn long. plus it was just my birthday, BUT i hope you enjoy😽😽

lucky  girl ☘︎  theodore nott Where stories live. Discover now