012. snogging

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seen by theodorenott , mattheoriddle and others

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i miss your ass

i miss you oak

i miss you too theo

hogs misses you lucky



seen by nottheo  , girlweasley and others

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seen by nottheo , girlweasley and others

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finally you guys are talking again

oh my goodness you two would look lovely tgr

thank you lun, but we're just friends




liked by mackpotter and otherstheodorenott i get no personal space

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liked by mackpotter and others
theodorenott i get no personal space.
tagged: mackpotter , dracoluciusmalfoy
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dracoluciusmalfoy sorry mate
mackpotter well that just sucks huh?💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
oakleyblack poor poor theo
theodorenott yes it is poor me. they were snogging right next to me.
mackpotter side note, my man looks so good🤤
↳liked by dracoluciusmalfoy
harryjamespotter get this image out of my head. burn it.
blaisez you alright there potter?
pparkinson drama queen

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liked by luckygirl and otherslooney

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looney.luna i miss you oakley!
tagged: gurlpotter , luckygirl
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gurlpotter aw we look so cute lun
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prettygirlpansy cuties
zucchini ate this uppp
looney.luna blaise...
luckygirl i love you sm luna! i miss you.
↳liked by looney.luna
choseone whered she go?
gurlpotter holy hell harry. shes been gone for like a month how haven't you noticed🤦🏻‍♀️

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authors note :
heres a short chapter to keep you all going while i finish up my last two finals tmr!! WHOOOO! I wish you all the very very best on your tests/exams/whatever you have going on lately! and as always i love you and
don't forget to comment and vote xoxo

lucky  girl ☘︎  theodore nott Where stories live. Discover now