010. home sweet home

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hey oak
i was um wondering when you're leaving?

im supposed to leave on friday but i think
if i can finish my tests up ill be ready
to leave thursday.

ahh okay

is everything alright?

yes, i was simply just wondering
i wish you ddint have to leave early

me too b
read 11:59 pm




liked by luckygirl , ferret , girlweasley and othersgurlpotter only 2 more days with my lucky🥲tagged: luckygirlview all comments luckygirl ik

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liked by luckygirl , ferret , girlweasley and others
gurlpotter only 2 more days with my lucky🥲
tagged: luckygirl
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luckygirl ik. im gonna miss you so much.
↳liked by gurlpotter
prettygirlpansy its absolutely unfair she has to leave
girlweasley noooo im gonna miss her
luckygirl ily gin
zucchini its not allowed
looneyluna nooo not oakley
↳liked by gurlpotter and luckygirl

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seen by theodorenott , mackpotter , and others

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seen by theodorenott , mackpotter , and others

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i can't believe you're leaving early.

ugh im so going to miss you

i miss you already


read 11:28pm

oakley please im sorry.
delivered 11:28


black manner, england

liked by theodorenott , mackpotter , and othersoakleyblack home sweet home view all comments mackpotter um come back

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liked by theodorenott , mackpotter , and others
oakleyblack home sweet home
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mackpotter um come back.
luckygirl ill be back after the holidays i promise mackie
blaisezabini hogs isn't the same without you
mattheoriddle you still look good black
comment deleted by oakleyblack
theodorenott i miss you oakley.
dracoluciusmalfoy mother says you must come over for the holidays
oakleyblack tell auntie cissy i'll try
pparkinson we miss you bby
↳liked by oakleyblack
user99w hogswarts is better without you

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authors note

umm tysm for adding this to all your guys' lists and voting?!! also?? 146 readers omfg i love it !!!! ik this isnt my best, im finding my motivation again.!! the holidays are def rough, ANYWAYS i hope you loveeeee

also.. pls comment anything you want to see, drama wise, or between mack and dray or oakley and theo. seriously give me anything because finals are about to kick my butt.

don't forget to comment and vote xoxo

lucky  girl ☘︎  theodore nott Where stories live. Discover now