011. im sorry

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oakley pls answer me
i miss you
read 5:39pm

oakley black.
delivered 5:41pm




liked by mackpotter , narcissamalfoy and othersoakleyblack momma tagged: druellablack view all commentsmackpotter ugh momma black is just as gorgeous as ever

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liked by mackpotter , narcissamalfoy and others
oakleyblack momma
tagged: druellablack
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mackpotter ugh momma black is just as gorgeous as ever.
oakleyblack and you're ofc still her favorite
blaisezabini holy hot
pparkinson blaise!!!
oakleyblack b thats my mum?!!
narcissamalfoy my dear sister
↳liked by oakleyblack
theodorenott oakley please text me back.
ronaldweasley um black your mum is hot
ginnyweasley ew ronald what the hell

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liked by gurlpotter , zucchini ,  and others nottheo ik i screwed up

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liked by gurlpotter , zucchini , and others
nottheo ik i screwed up. but i miss you lucky.
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gurlpotter theo im very mad at you but this is sweet
↳liked by nottheo
zucchini text her again mate
nottheo i have been since she left.
zucchini just trust me
prettygirlpansy and you guys are just
ferret just friends my bloody arse.

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answer his texts oak
hes being sincere
i promise.
he hasnt been to classes since you left

why should i?
he let me believe we were gonna become something idk and then he just assumed i was getting around with mattheo and ghosted me for weeks.
and then acted like none of it happened.

ik that oak
but please just answer him
let him explain?
read 7:22pm

im taking that as a yes.
delivered 7:41pm


oakley please just answer me

what nott.

okay thank you.
im so sorry
i shouldn't have freaked out about you hanging out with riddle
ik we weren't together and it wasn't my place to get jealous

you're sorry?
theo you stopped talking to me for weeks.
i seriously needed you and you ghosted me.
because you were bloody jealous of mattheo for gods sakes?!

i know it was stupid. i was stupid.
but i couldnt just tell you to stop hanging out either him, you looked happy.

i was happier with you theo?!
god me and mattheo aren't even friends anymore bc you stopped talking to me so i stopped hanging out with him

i never asked you to stop being his friend oakley

no but i did it anyways
bc you were upset about it
and then you ghosted me and every time i would reach out you ignored me

yes i know it was stupid
i just, i don't know how to say the things i want to say.

just say them theo god we've been through enough as is might as well just get it out.

no lucky this isn't something i can say over text

well then what do you expect me to do?

when are you coming back?

not till after holiday break

okay um i will figure it out i promise just please don't stop talking to me again im truly entirely sorry

okay theo i promise.
read 9:15pm


authors note :
tensionnnn i l o v e love this.
i hope you enjoy and ik the last couple have been kinda short but they will get better i promise !!
as always i love you, i hope you love this and
don't forget to comment and vote xoxo

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