014. grosssss

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theodore nott
are you lot almost here?

potter (girl)
yeah were like 3 minutes away

read 11:28am




liked by gurlpotter , zucchini and othersluckygirl MY BABIES 💗💗💗tagged: gurlpotter looney

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liked by gurlpotter , zucchini and others
luckygirl MY BABIES 💗💗💗
tagged: gurlpotter looney.luna prettygirlpansy
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gurlpotter i missed you baby
luckygirl i missed you sm
ferret are you pleased?
luckygirl yes!!
prettygirlpansy im so happy we came!
luckygirl me too pans
nottheo im glad you liked your surprise
luckygirl thank you theo! i loved it
zucchini i wanna be there🥲
luckygirl leave italy!! come here!

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liked by zucchini , prettygirlpansy and othersgurlpotter grossssstagged: luckygirl nottheoview all commentszucchini my ship! my ship! my ship!↳prettygirlpansy OURS BLAISE OURSlooney

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liked by zucchini , prettygirlpansy and others
gurlpotter grosssss
tagged: luckygirl nottheo
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zucchini my ship! my ship! my ship!
prettygirlpansy OURS BLAISE OURS
looney.luna they're just adorable
ferret nott is such a softie.
nottheo you dont want to go there mate.
↳liked by gurlpotter
girlweasley OMGOMGOMG
chosenone oakley could do so much better
gurlpotter go away harry
luckygirl 😁😁😁
luckygirl we arent gross mackie
↳liked by gurlpotter

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liked by oakleyblack , blaisez and otherslunalovegood gorgeous bestfriend💗tagged: oakleyblack view all comments oakleyblack ilysm lun

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liked by oakleyblack , blaisez and others
lunalovegood gorgeous bestfriend💗
tagged: oakleyblack
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oakleyblack ilysm lun.
lunalovegood ily
mackpotter my favorite people
blaisez this is cute
lunalovegood thank you blaise
ginnyweasley my girls
lunalovegood imy gin
ronaldweasley why do you hangout with slytherins luna? you're better than that.

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authors note :

NOO i go back to school in 7 hours, kill me now 🥲🥲🥲. but i totally forgot to finish this and post it like on sunday so IM SO SORRY!! but ily guys sm and TYSM for all the love you are giving my storys and as always
don't forget to comment and vote xox

ALSO go check out "malfoy" its on my page its a mattheo riddle story and i really like it so far!! 💗

lucky  girl ☘︎  theodore nott Where stories live. Discover now