015. b appreciation

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pls pls pls go read the authors note on this chapter, it doesnt necessarily matter if you read any of the others but pls read this one🙏🙏. okay thats all I LOVE YOU.





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liked by oakleyblack , mackpotter and others theodorenott tagged: oakleyblack view all commentsblaisez die die die pparkinson notice how the only thing nott posts anymore is oak??↳mackpotter hes whipped

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liked by oakleyblack , mackpotter and others
tagged: oakleyblack
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blaisez die die die
pparkinson notice how the only thing nott posts anymore is oak??
mackpotter hes whipped.
blaisez and they arent even dating.
oakleyblack ur so cute
↳liked by theodorenott
harryjamespotter pls get off my feed
mackpotter harry go away
mackpotter someone kill me now.
ginnyweasley they're just the cutest

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liked by dracoluciusmalfoy , and othersmackpotter babys😽😽tagged: dracoluciusmalfoy oakleyblack pparkinson view all comments harryjamespotter pls someone pluck my eyeballs out with a fork

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liked by dracoluciusmalfoy , and others
mackpotter babys😽😽
tagged: dracoluciusmalfoy oakleyblack pparkinson
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harryjamespotter pls someone pluck my eyeballs out with a fork.
mackpotter i will gladly.
blaisez i never get posted 🥲
oakleyblack mackeyyy
↳liked by mackpotter
dracoluciusmalfoy i love you.
mackpotter i love you
pparkinson i was featured 😛😛
author i realized mack doesnt like ever post and i havent posted just a pic of her at alll so here you go pooks

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harry james potter👨🏻‍🦲
are you coming to mollys at all this break?

mackenzie lily potter🥸
i wasn't necessary planning on it..

just wondering.
she wanted to know

okay well tell them i love them and ill come down  soon!!!
read 3:28pm



liked by zucchini , nottheo and others luckygirl b appreciate bc he deserves it !!!tagged: zucchini view all comments zucchini stop it

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liked by zucchini , nottheo and others
luckygirl b appreciate bc he deserves it !!!
tagged: zucchini
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zucchini stop it.
zucchini lucky i love you
zucchini screw nott, you and me forever.
nottheo fuck that.
author excuse my language 😉😉
zucchini bestfriend😜
luckygirl 🤞🏼🤞🏼
ferret i dont get an appreciation post and im ur cousin?.
luckygirl yes and it's specifically bc you put a period after that question mark.
gurlpotter um idek what to say with these comments luck
luckygirl 😗😗😗

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authors note ::

ermmmm 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜🤗🤗🤗🤗
thats me rn bc HOW TF. one of my favorite writers on here added my story to her library?!? i gasped. BUT ik i havent been active IM SORRY. im struggling with what i want to happen with this book. like im having MAJOR writers block and im literally not even actually writing anything. like i wanna add some spice but idk what to add,, sooooo i was um wondering if you guys have any suggestions 🙏🙏🙏 i love you forever and ever pls pls pls help.
thats all babyssss so sorry this is kinda short...
don't forget to comment and vote xoxo

lucky  girl ☘︎  theodore nott Where stories live. Discover now