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Ashton POV

I step out of Damian's car with him, as he was my ride to this dinner party. Not going to lie, but I am kind of very nervous about this whole calling the business partner ordeal mentioned by Easton sir.

I shuddered in fear the moment I stepped out of Damian's car. My feet got glued to the pavement as my eyes landed on one raven headed man, Chase Butcher. What is he doing here? Is he the business partner too?

My hands began to sweat as I felt my breaths starting to get ragged and shallow. How? I have overcame the fear of getting hurt by him, I've confronted him last time. Then why am I getting spooked and clammy because of his mere presence in this hotel?

Will I never recover from what he has done to me all those years ago? Am I that powerless against his dark and hungry aura? Am I just a sheep in this massive jungle, ready to be killed by predators like him?

As I starting to hyperventilate due to his presence, I felt Damian put his hand around my waist and whispered into my ears,

"Don't worry Ashton... I'm here by your side, he won't dare to come near you,"

Damian's words suddenly eased my mind and made it fall into a abyss of happiness, why is he so conserved about me? I know he has promised me that he will always protect me, but why do I get butterflies in my stomach when he acts like this? I got this same feeling when we went to the museum in Paris together.

His hold on me was not sexual or full of lust, but rather warm and intimate to a certain extent. His warm hand wrapped around my cold body does things to me. Things, which I can never decipher, things that I've never felt with any other guy I've met till now. Not even Carlton, then why do I feel so good around Damian?

Am I in love with him? No, that can't be! He is a big businessman and I am just his secretary, who he loves to sleep around with. There is nothing in his head for me, I am just his getaway guy and the person who helps him in his work life.

I nodded my head at Damian's statement and walked inside the massive hotel with him. I saw chase turn to me and smile evilly, like he always does. I shifted my focus ahead on the way I was going with Damian. After a few seconds we reached the main hall where the dinner party was held.

As we walked in, Easton sir came towards us and took the both of us to meet the business partner, Jace Donovan. My eyes landed on Jace's face, he looked pale and unhealthy, but still had the same shine on his face that I saw the first time we met him in Paris.

As soon as his eyes landed on me, I saw his cheeks flare up and he looked away from me, towards Damian. Damian too went near Jace and shook his hand in a very professional way. I just stood at the back, watching everything unfold like a five year old.

Damian began to talk with Jace, which led to a scowl getting formed on Jace's face and his now dark eyes darting towards me. I furrowwed my brows looking at his expression, but his eyes softened as he saw my face and came closer to me.

Taking my hand in his own he gave me a firm shake. I to have him a tight lipped smile and then tried to tug my hand away. But he kept his hold as it is and pulled me closer to him by yanking my hand.

I pushed him away and looked at him, my mind hazy and confused by his actions. So confused that I almost yelled at him,

"What are doing, sir? Let my hand go!"

I tugged my hand once again, but no avail. He instead gave me a quick laugh and a long sigh and replied,

"You had so many options for yourself, Ashton. But in the end you are selecting the man who tormented you the most?"

He again chuckled, but his laugh was not a funny one. It was more like he was mocking me for being around Damian. I scoffed at his face and then asked his smiley self,

"And who are the options you are talking about sir, you? The one who forcefully kissed me and then tried to make amends, or who promised that he will never talk to me, yet is calling me out for my life choices? I didn't get your point sir? Will you please elaborate?"

I saw him grumble some curses before speaking his mind out,

"I am not talking about your life choices, Ashton. And I was never in this race to win your heart, and never can be."

He sounded so sad that this time I held his hand and asked him?

"What? What are you talking about sir?"

He gave me a sad smile and then pointed at a girl who was sitting across a room clearly flirting with another woman,

"You see her?"

He asked me, and I nodded in my reply. He took in a sharp breath and then sighed,

"Well she's my wife. I got married last month. My dad found out my... Obsession over you and forced me to marry her, Jane Kirstie, my business partner,"

My eyes widened at his words and I tugged his face towards me and asked,

"What do you mean by that?"

He gave me a sad look, his eyes almost teary as beads of water began to develop in his cerulean orbs,

"My dad is a homophobic piece of shit. And he told me that he will throw me out of the company if I don't marry a woman. This same thing happened with Jane, and now the both of us are stuck in this more of a business deal kind of marriage,"

I was too stunned to speak after this, how can a father do such thing to his son? My father never said or did anything like this to me! Why God? Why did you gave Jace such a bad punishment? All he wanted was love and not some wedlock.

I looked up at his teary face and shuddering self. And without a second thought, I engulfed him in a hug. He was startled at first but then completely broke down into tears as I patted his back to comfort him.

Damian saw this entire ordeal unfold in front of him and came to support his friend. The both of us took him to a room and made him rest for a while. As I was exiting his room, I saw Jace's wife Jane walk near me.

She stopped me from going anywhere and then spoke,

"Is he okay?"

I nodded at her and answered back,

"Yes, he is resting for a bit. Damian sir is with him, no need to worry,"

She gave me a warm smile and then asked me a very weird question,

"Are you Ashton Gray by any chance?"

My eyes widened at her words and I nodded, no words escaping my mouth this time. She smiled so widely that I saw her entire set of pearly teeth. Then she proceeded to hug the hell out of me.

What is wrong with these husband and wife? She let me go and then tears formed in her eyes too,

"I really hope that you accept to be his boyfriend dear. He's been tormenting me on how perfect you are in every way! And I need to to find him a man like you! Please agree to be with him! I need to see him happy and work his ass off for yours!"

What, the , FUCK! What is she talking about? I let her go and run out to the main hall, where I saw Chase talking to everyone, and as soon as he saw me, he smiled widely and yelled,

"Here he is everyone! My future husband, Ashton Gray!"








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