The story ends

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This story ends with Jaymi's dad escaping away because the police didn't get there in time and if they had of the police wouldn't of done anything because Jaymi's dad had been 'dead' for the last 15 years so what would be more concerning is how the hell did he survive a plane crash that happened after 15 years.

As he escaped he looked straight at Olivia and Jaymi then smiled because he had succeeded kidnappings of Christina but also many others, he had gotten away with torture, kidnapping also murder. The sad thing was that made Jaymi's dad smile even more was that they couldn't do anything to stop him walking away.

Connor felt so bad that he had not told Olivia and Jaymi about the hatch that he had seen earlier. He wished he had said something then none of this would of happened.

However now Christina was safe that's all that Olivia cared about and she would never leave her side or let her out of her sight again. So that nothing like this could happen again.

Connor was glad she was safe because they was dating but also Jaymi did because he was like a sister to him.

Even after months after that incident had happened, with many times of going to couselling Christina still had nightmares of the journey, Jaymi's dad's voice, the building, the torture she suffered and the worse thing she remembered was his face.

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