As they got there

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Olivia remembered the way but when she got there the memory came flooding back so clearly. She was 11 again with Christina they had gone in the building where he had her hostage but they heard footsteps so they ran for it. Olivia now knew who was the person that was walking in there.

Even though that was years ago it still seemed to Olivia that she was going with Christina again to the warehouse to find out who was that person that was there many years ago but this time Christina wasn't there with her it was Jaymi and Connor and they was going to save Christina.

It felt so different coming back there after so many years. Olivia thought it would change but it hadn't it was still the same 100ft building with no windows and a really tall door that looked like it belonged on a castle.

They could hear nothing apart from the breeze in the trees and the different animals that were hiding in the woods that Jaymi, Connor and Olivia that had just walked through.

Olivia was wishing that Christina was safe from harms way however that was a completely different story.

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