Chapter 2: The discovery

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"This novel is a completely fictional story, While there some part based from real events but everything in this novel is fictional"

Temporary military camp, San Francisco, USA, 10:00 am.

Soldier 1: "Hey man, You heard about that elf girl they found under the Golden Gate Bridge?"

Soldier 2: "Karl, What kind of drug are you on?"

Karl: "No it's real Tim! I saw her with my own eyes! She is in the interrogation room"

Tim: "Really? Hey Scott! Did the thing Karl say is true?"

Scott: "Yep, Real elf girl, I mean... They're from a big ass portal over there and everywhere in this world, And some kind of 'UFO' Why won't there be an elf girl huh?"

Tim: "Karl, What does she look like?"

Karl: "She has long.. White hair.. like snow... some tips of her hair are red... She is beautiful and... cute..."

Tim: "And what is she wearing? How do her clothes look like?"

Karl: "She wears like a hoodie, A gray hoodie with a cape... And looks like she wore a skirt but it got torn a little, Probably because of her crash 'UFO'... But man I gotta say this..."

Karl: "Her chest is flat as hell man but she looks cute"

Scott and Tim are silent, They really don't want to hear the last part.

Tim: "You don't have to say the last part you know...?"

Scott: "That's sexual harassment as hell man"

Karl: "Oh come on man! She really is fla-"

Tim: "STOP it Karl!, That's enough!"


Some of the high officers who walk by are disappointed in Karl after hearing what he just said but choose to walk away.

Interrogation room.

Mojor Oliver and the elf girl are sitting on different sides of the table while Colonel Smith and the other 2 soldiers are standing and led against the wall inside the room watching them.

Oliver: "So let me get this straight, You are the one controlling that 'UFO' that crashed near the Fort Point National Historic site, Correct?"

Elf girl: "That... is correct..."

Oliver: "And you say you're used to the... 'Magic' to control the whole ship, Such as the propulsion system and weapons system?"

Elf girl: "P... Propulsion...?"

Smith: "It's a system about driving the 'UFO' You able to control the 'UFO' with your magic too?"

Elf girl: "Yes... sir..."

Oliver: "May I know what's your name elf girl?"

Elf girl: "My name.... is... Penny...."

Oliver: "Penny? That's a good name for someone like you... My name is Oliver, Major Oliver"

Penny: "It... nice to meet you... Major Oliver..."

Oliver: "Nice to meet you too... Now answer me those questions"

Penny: "Yes...?"

Oliver: "What is the reason your guy attacked us, Where do you come from and how does that portal work? And why was it opened everywhere?"

Penny: "I'm from the kingdom of... Xenue... And the reason is to... Expand the influence of Xenue military strength... to another world..."

Smith: "Xenue opened the portal and attacked us just to show strength to the other world?"

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