Chapter 6: East Gohnsan

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This is a fictional story that mixes between historical, Military, and fantasy.

I do not support Nazism, Communism, Or any wrongful ideological idea, Enjoy this part.

September 3, Years 109 PI, 08:20 AM.

East Gohnsan City, Eastern Xenue Kingdom, Ex- Salora Kingdom.

104 km from Center Gohnsan City, 610 km from Xenuela City.

In the eastern of Xenue, A big city named Gohnsan was founded around 100+ years ago, As time went on, The town in the east of Gohnsan grew larger and larger, Finally earning the name "East Gohnsan" while the original Gohnsan city became "Center Gohnsan"

East Gohnsan are popular for its large industrial companies while some part are used for farming.

East Gohnsan became the main city for the newest cutting-edge technology project Xenue which has been developed since last month.

"Project A-1"

The information about Project A-1 is a secret and only a few people know about it.


"Those motherfucker did WHAT!?" A man shouts as he reads the report from Tsuki Coast Town.

"They destroyed those 2 of our prototypes!?" Another man shouted.

"What the hell are those Anti-Dra Crew doing when it happened!?" Another man shouted.

The "Anti Dra Crew" refers to the crew maning the Anti Air gun, The gun was built at the time when Xenue faced a big problem which was the attack from the Dragon.

"Don't worry gentlemen, We don't need those anymore since the ones here are almost ready for production......" A man walks in.

Those 3 men stand up and salute the man walking in.

"Your guy must be... Musi, Aito, And... Kato, Right?" The man said as he saluted back.

"That's correct, General Satoka!" Musi shouts.

"I want everyone here to do your job the best you can, The royal family is visiting us today," Satoka says.

"Yes sir!" 3 men shout as Satoka walks away.


At the same time, 5 km from East Gohnsan City.

A carriage painting in black and the flag of Xenue Kingdom are heading toward the city, With 2 horses pulling it and around 10-20 knights escorting it.

A carriage painting in black and the flag of Xenue Kingdom are heading toward the city, With 2 horses pulling it and around 10-20 knights escorting it

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(Looking like this, But much bigger and had more coverings up)

"Project A-1..." A girl says as she is reading the report.

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