Chapter 3: Dive in

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This is a fictional story that mixes between historical, Military, and fantasy.

I do not support Nazism, Communism, Or any wrongful ideological idea, Enjoy this part.

It was August 17, Years 109 PI.

The isekai world has been named "Planet I" and the year in this world is currently 109, PI simply stands for "Planet I".

The sky was not clear, the clouds were very low, and barely any sunlight was visible, It was like it was about to rain but there was not a single drop of water at all.

In an open field near the forest, A dirt pathway led from the big city led to a portal that was still open, An army of around 200 men in a knight armor and horse are moving toward the portal.

Only the top of the portal can be seen due to the forest blocking most of the view.

Knight 1: "This... doesn't feel right..." He says in a worry.

Knight 2: "What doesn't feel right?"

Knight 1: "It... too quiet..."

Knight 3: "What do you mean?"

Knight 1: "We are supposed to be there to fight people who come from the portal right? They say they are very powerful and have better weapons than us, But there are no signs of them anywhere"

Knight 3: "I mean... It does feel weird... We get closer to them every second but we don't hear them coming to us"

Leader knight: "It's because they are scared of us! We are more powerful and better than them!"

After the leader knight finishes, Another voice speaks, It's a girl's voice.

???: "You seem to be very confident Leader Kami, You sure they are weak and we can win this?"

Leader knight (Kami): "Yes we can Yuda! We are the knights of Xenue, There is no enemy we can't defeat!!"

All the knights cheer and have the motivation to fight, But not Yuda, Some knights and another boy with a hoodie just like Yuda.

???: "He seems very confident isn't he?"

Yuda: "I don't think this gonna end well Yuma.."

Both Yuda and Yuma are siblings, Yuda is an older sister by 1 year and Yuma is a younger brother by 1 year, They both wear a hoodie.

Knight 1: "Yuma, Yuda.. Are you sure your magic would be able to defeat them..?"

Yuma: "At this point, I'm not sure... My magic didn't do as much damage as it did before..."

Yuda: "Hey don't be sad! Your magic is great and it will be as powerful as it was before.."

Yuma: "Thanks... sis..."

As the army of knights moved past the forest the sky got darker, A lightning strike was far from them but it was still loud and visible, The light was bright.

Knight 2: "Great... Thunderstorm isn't it?"

Yuma: "Seem like it is..." Yuda is hugging Yuma because he's scared of lightning, They are just around 15-14 after all.

Suddenly, A sound from the sky is heard and it's not just a sound of lightning, It's like the wind... and an engine...


Yuda: "What is that sound?" Yuda and Yuma have an Animal feature, A fox ear and tail so they were able to hear things far better than human ears can hear.

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