Chapter 11 Part 1: Operation Black Gold I

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"Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

- Mattie Stepanek


(Illustration of the city by Balagao)


"This is it... We're going to liberate Jaserki and the Solola Kingdom from Xenue"

"12,000 Men, 20 Armored Vehicles, 100 Aircraft, 2 warships..."






After that word came out of General mouth.

It was followed by the loudest things I ever heard.


"Feuer Frei!"
(Fire at will)

"Подсвети это!"
(Light it up!)

"Give 'em hell!"


"Here it comes"


"The IS-2 and 1st Battalion command by Pavel will go through the north gate, T-80 go secure the park!"

"Panther and The Centurion commanded by Peek, Along with the 4th Battalion goes straight to the factory!"

"What about us sir?"

"This is Linwood, All Sherman, and Tiger follow me!"

"Negative Lieutenant, Me and the Sherman will go to the south, We will secure the port"

"I'm in charge of leading this operation Kevin, Please follow my orde-"

"Your Abarm is strong enough to withstand the enemy! And all the Second Battalion is with you!"


"Stay safe kid, Only the 2nd Infantry Platoon from the 3rd Battalion is available"

"Roger that"

All the Armored Vehicles usually never go alone.

The infantry will always go with them.

Around 40-60% of tanks are lost by things such as Mine, Anti-Tank rockets, And enemy infantry.

Tank rarely fights another tank with no Infantry support.

"How many tanks and men do we have in command?" Kevin ask.

"Our Easy Eight, One Jumbo 76, One Calliope, and an M24, For the infantry we have 48 men from the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd Battalion of 2nd regiment of the 1st Division" His Hull machine gunner answered.

Kevin's Tank was one of the bland new Sherman.

The M4A3E8 Easy Eight.

Kevin and his crew named the tank "Liberty"

Kevin and his crew named the tank "Liberty"

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