Chapter 8: Where to stay Lou?

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"Together," Louis said resting his forehead on mine. I heard another camera click and glimpsed to see Beth standing with my Polaroid camera fanning the two pictures. I smiled softly at her.

'Thank you' I mouthed to her, she smiled and set the camera down along with the two pictures she had taken.

"I'll go get the papers for you to fill out Letty," she said walking towards the door.

I frowned, "Am I allowed to? 'Cause I'm not family or anything."

"You will have to get Lou to explain that one to you," she said awkwardly leaving the room.

I turned to Louis looking at him sceptically, while he smiled sheepishly back, "What did you do?"

"Erm, because of the seriousness of my cancer they made it so that only select few would come in and when they asked why I wanted you I told them that, erm," he muttered something under his breath.

"Told them what Boo?" I asked.

"I told them youweremygirlfriend," he snapped softly.

I thought to myself for a second and nodded, "Ok."

"So when are we getting out of here?" he asked curiously.

"As soon as I clean up all my crap!" I yelled grabbing my bag and shoving all my stuff in it as Beth came back in.

Louis room looked lived in, meaning it was the messiest room in the hospital. I slept over once or twice meaning that I kept clothes here, plus board games, my camera, half my art supplies and whatever else I had once thought to bring but forgotten to take home. I realised that not everything was going to fit in my bag so I began stacking everything up in piles.

Beth laughed at me, and I looked up and grinned at her, putting everything in piles. Once I had finished I had about 5 piles at knee height that consisted of all my stuff.

"I think we are gonna need another bag," I said frowning at all my stuff."Or you could just have so much stuff," Louis suggested playfully, handing me a piece of paper to sign. I scribbled my signature and waited for Louis to get a wheel chair. I sighed looking at all of my crap and lifting up two of the piles and jogged to my car, popping the boot and shoving the stuff in. I jogged back to the room to find Louis reading to go. I handed him a smaller pile to hold while I took another two and led the way for Beth to follow.

As we were walking to my car we passed so many people that said goodbye to Lou; but to me as well which was a surprise. I guess that they found out about the way I met Lou and had some faith in the universe that is would happen to them. Even though I didn't know many people I smiled and said goodbye to people I didn't even know the names of.

We made it to the car and I smiled with tears in my eyes, after this I wasn't even sure how often I would get to see my best friend. I put the rest of my stuff in my car and hugged Beth tight.

"You need to tell him," she whispered in my ear. I smiled at her sadly and nodded closing my eyes as a tear escaped.

I wiped it away, "One day Beth, one day."

I walked towards my car,noticing Louis in the passenger seat of my car already. I randomly began humming 'Truly, Madly, Deeply.'

Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between? I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined? Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine? I sang in my head.

"Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this, I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world," Louis sang along to my humming,smiling at me.

"Truly, madly, deeply, I am Foolishly, completely falling And somehow you kicked all my walls in So baby, say you'll always keep me Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you In love with you," I sang along with him. This related to my whole situation with Louis, I was constantly day dreaming of the day I could finally say i got the boy of my dreams, there were so many times when I almost kissed him but whimped out at the last second. Oh well, I'll get him one day.

"You have a lovely voice Letty," Louis smiled at me as I started my car.

"Thanks but it's nothing compared to yours," I replied, blushing slightly.

"Whatever you say Letty," he sang beside me. I shook my head at him smiling.

"Do you know where you are staying Boo?" I asked, fully prepared to let him stay with me.

"Umm,hang on and let me call my mum to see if it's alright to stay with her," he grumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through his contacts and holding his phone to his ear.

"Hey mum... Well I just got released from hospital," a loud squeal was heard through the phone and I giggled,"That's my friend Letty... No we're just friends."

He sighed and rested his head on the head rest and I felt my heart crack a little, 'Just friends,' I thought spitefully to myself.

"Is it alright if I stay with you until i get back on my feet?... Oh, I'll just ask someone else don't worry,bye mum," he mumbled, ending the conversation and closing his eyes. I studied his face, he had dark bags under his eyes and the simple conversation seemed to have tired him out, he didn't have such a sparkle anymore.

"You ok Boo," I asked quietly, resting my hand on his thigh.

His eyelid fluttered open and he let out a humourless laugh, "My family left for a week holiday yesterday and mum forgot to mention it to me so I'm currently homeless."

My heart hurt looking at him so sad and angry, "Do you want to stay with me?"

He glimpsed at me with glimmer of hope in his eyes, "I don't want to intrude."

"I've intruded already, it's your turn now," I joked, starting the car. He laughed at me and started to fiddle with the radio.

What am I doing? I not only invited a celebrity to stay and my flat, but I invited the guy that I was in love with to stay with me! What am i going to do?!

Tom Linson (A Louis Tomlinson FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now