Chapter 3: Back to see Tom

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I walked through the door swinging the bag of subway cookies along with me. I know I said I’d bring breakfast but who wouldn’t want to eat a subway cookie for breakfast! I mean they were freaking delicious!! I made my way back to Tom’s room. I yawned as I opened the door. It was only 10:30 now but it was still too early for me.

“Good morning Lou bear!” I yelled walking in. Tom looked up at me and smiled in shock. I don’t think he actually expected me to turn up. It was amazing to surprise someone in his… condition.

“Good morning love,” he said moving over in his bed and patting the spot. I walked over to his bed dragging the roller tray thingy with me. I sat on his bed and put the tray in front of us. I dumped the bag on the tray tipping it upside down and spilling cookies all over the place.

“I brought brekkie!!” I screeched taking a choc-chip cookie from the pile. He looked at me funny before digging in. we demolished about 15 cookies in five minutes. They just tasted so good!!

“That was the best breakfast I have had since I’ve been here! Thanks Letty,” Tom hugged me from the side and I pushed the tray away and hugged him awkwardly. I stood up and stretched. I took off my jumper and the slid my leggings off as well. I folded all my clothes up in a nice pile revealing my old hospital gown.

I jumped back into the bed with Tom and he looked at me in shock, “What is all this then?”

“Well I figured seeing as your sick then I could be sick with you,” I explained my fantastic idea to him and relaxed in the bed next to him. He still looked shocked and maybe a little teary eyed as well. I grinned at him.

He hugged me burying his head in my hair, “Thank you, thank you so much. No one would ever do this to me. Ever! Not the boys, or my sisters or my mum! No one! Thank you Letty!”

I laughed at him, it was cute, “That’s alright Lou, and I will be here for you night or day so just let me know if you need me ok? I’ll leave you my mobile number and my home number.”

Tom cried into my shoulder for a solid 10 minutes and I just sat and rubbed his back. He sat up sniffling and I smiled at him and wiped his tears away. We sat in silence just watching each other. It was an odd thing to do but it just felt…right. It was a funny thing to say as we had only met yesterday but it was true. There was something there.

“So, what are we going to do today?” I asked him breaking the silence and laying back on the bed with my arms behind my head.

He looked at his hands, “Well, I have a kemo session in an hour and I was hoping that maybe you would come with me, it’s boring in there.”

He slowly looked up and I tried to keep the pity off my face and I looked at him sweetly, “Of course I’ll join you, Lou. I don’t mind I brought a few things to do anyway.”

He looked a little more relaxed and we decided to play the question game. The question is basically 20 questions but whatever you ask you have to answer as well.

“Birthday?” I ask.

“24th of December, yours?” he answers.

“30th of august, Favourite colour?” I reply.

“Blue! Yours?”

“Erm I don’t really have one, I like all the colours. Next question!”

“Where do you want to travel to?”

“Erm not sure, I have been to a lot of places before I got sick… what about you?”

“Probably Paris because I want visit the Eiffel Tower, favourite food?”


I laughed at Tom, “Snap! Your question!!”

This game had been going on forever and it was fun. It was also getting pretty funny because I felt like I had known him for years but really I hadn’t and I just wanted to know him for years.

“If you could do any person in this world, who would it be?” he asked me sneakily. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him. He could really mature and smart and then he would just be this really immature loser that was just hilarious.

“Hmm…” I said tapping my chin for a dramatic pause and he looked at me with pleading eyes, “It would have to be Louis Tomlinson because man is he HOT!”

Tom seemed to blush at me for saying this, I laughed at his face, “Well come on then, who would you do?”

He looked me in the eyes and whispered one word in my ear, “You.”

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