Chapter 1: My new friend Tom

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Yes I was a 30 year old woman and I had managed to break my arm. Will you ever find out how? Maybe. Will I tell you now? No. I had made my way to the local hospital in my home town of Doncaster. I had got a simple white cast on my left arm. Thankfully I was right handed.

I had my stupid clunky cast and was making my way out of the hospital. I walked ridiculously slow, just because I can. I don’t see the point in running through life, I have always dawdled and I decided I may as well do it now. The hospital reeked of disinfectant and made me want to sneeze, but I didn’t mind it really. A lot of people hate hospitals but they didn’t really bother me.

I always sneak glances into the patient’s rooms which was a bit rude, I guess. I was looking into one room and I saw a guy, around my age, in the hospital bed attached to a whole lot of tubes and wires all connected to different machines. He was watching me so I smiled and waved at him then walked on.

“Hey, gorgeous lady with the cast! What’s your name, love?” he called from his room as I walked past the door. I stuck my head through the door and frowned at him.


“Yes, that’d be you, love,” he replied giving me a cheeky grin. I laughed and shook my head slightly.

“I’m Juliet Winters and I’m looking for my Romeo, cliché I know,” I laugh, it was my life story. Whenever I met someone new I always said that. It was weird I know ok? But it just happens.

I looked at this guy’s features. He didn’t have any hair, I wasn’t sure by choice or from…other causes, sparkly blue eyes, a cute nose, a neat jaw line and a dazzling smile. He looked quite built but I couldn’t really tell that much from under the covers of the hospital sheets.

I think he had whispered my name, quite sacredly I might add, but I couldn’t be sure. As I had been taking in his features I think he was taking in mine. Not that I was much to look at. I was about 4’9, had long honey blonde hair with a few auburn bits in it here and there, my hair sat just on my waist and had a bit of a wave in it that could get really annoying.

I had a heart shaped face, a button nose, a few freckles, my lips were thick and plump, I had a little bit of weight in my cheeks making them round and rosy and I would probably have the oddest eyes you would have seen.

My eyes were, and I joke you not here, blue and green but half and half. As in half of my pupil was green and the other blue. It was weird I know. Sometimes they are full blue sometimes full green but they are really weird. Also for being a 30 year old I dressed myself quite casual. I liked to think of myself as Peter Pan but without the staying young forever bit. I had on an oversized hoodie that one of my ex’s left me, skinny jeans and bright purple converse.

“You’re beautiful Juliet,” he said out of no-where. I looked at him in shock and almost laughed.

“Honestly? Of all the people you could say that to in one day, you had to pick the 30 year old that thought of her-self as Peter Pan? You are quite an odd fellow Mr and you don’t know anything about me, nor I you,” I said and realised I didn’t even know this blokes name.

“Well then I shall give you a short summary of me,” he said looking grim, it was a bit scaring really, “my name is Tom Linson and I have had cancer for five years, I have stayed in this hospital for over a year now and I am bored of it to be honest.”

“Oh, hun I didn’t know I’m so-,”

“NO! don’t you dare feel sorry for me, you are the only non-medical person I have talked to in about a week and I do not need sympathy. My friends are too scared to come and visit me, my parents do on weekends but other than that I am all alone cooped up in this god darn room! All I want is a friend who isn’t scared and I was hoping you would be it.”

“Tom you are quite an odd fellow aren’t you?” I laughed at him. he looked to angry and anger made me giggle. It was weird I know.

“Yes, quite obviously,” he said grinning at me sneakily, “So what do you say Juliet?”

I simply thought to myself and the pros seemed to outweigh the cons, “What could go wrong?”

He laughed me and it was musical, he sounded like he would sing. Now I think of it Tom Linson did sound familiar somehow, Tom Linson Tom Linson Tomlinson! Louis gosh darn Tomlinson. Aha how odd.

I settled in the seat he offered me by his bed and settled my feet on the edge of his bed, “My friends call me Letty, and seeing’s as you are one now, I guess you may call me it now.”

“Well I don’t really have a non-embarrassing nickname so if you’d like you can come up with one,” he replied shrugging his shoulders slightly.

“Ok I shall call you…” I thought to myself, would it be weird if I called him Lou? “Lou, because your name sounds like Tomlinson, as in Louis Tomlinson from One direction. It was a shame they broke up five years ago.”

His face seemed to pale a bit and his smile seemed forced, “Aha yeah, great band, great music, great friends…”

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