Chapter 1: first year

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Hana's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she stepped onto Platform 9¾ with her mother. It was her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and she couldn't wait to begin her magical education. She'd grown up hearing stories about the enchanting world of witches and wizards, and now, at the age of eleven, her dreams were about to become a reality.

She followed the crowd of students onto the Hogwarts Express, looking back at her mother one last time before searching for an empty compartment. As she walked down the narrow corridor, she couldn't help but admire the steam billowing from the train's engine and the magical aura that filled the air.

After several minutes of wandering, she finally spotted an open compartment. But when she opened the door, she was met with an unexpected sight. Four boys, about her age, were sitting inside, laughing and chatting. They looked like a lively bunch, and one of them had untamed, raven-black hair that seemed to defy gravity. Another had a mischievous twinkle in his gray eyes.

Hana hesitated for a moment but decided to enter. "Is this seat taken?" she asked, hoping there might be room for one more.

The four boys turned to her, their eyes widening in surprise at the sight of a new face. The one with the wild black hair, James Potter, was the first to respond. "No, not at all! Come on in!" He flashed her a friendly smile, and the others nodded in agreement.

Hana settled into an empty seat, her heart still racing from the unexpected encounter. "I'm Hana, Kim Hana," she introduced herself, extending a hand.

"James Potter," he replied, shaking her hand enthusiastically. "These are my friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew."

The other three boys offered greetings and welcoming smiles. Hana couldn't help but notice that there was something about the group, an air of mischief and adventure, that intrigued her.

As the train started to move, they began to chat and get to know each other. Hana learned that they were known as the Marauders and were infamous for their pranks and antics. She was both fascinated and amused by their tales of mischief.

Hours passed as they exchanged stories, shared laughter, and even tried out a few spell tricks in the compartment. Hana was drawn into their camaraderie, and it felt as if she had found instant friends. Little did she know that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a deep and lasting friendship.

Eventually, as the train neared Hogwarts, Hana couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness. She had a secret she needed to keep. She was the daughter of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and possessed unique powers that set her apart from her new friends. She hadn't told anyone about her divine heritage, and she knew that it was a secret she had to protect.

As they arrived at Hogsmeade Station and made their way to the castle, Hana realized that her journey at Hogwarts would be filled with enchanting adventures, magical lessons, and new friendships. And, in her heart, she resolved to protect her identity as Poseidon's daughter while cherishing the friendships she had forged with the Marauders.

Little did she know that her life at Hogwarts was about to become a tapestry of mystery, adventure, and the enduring bonds of friendship

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