Chapter 4: fourth year

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The start of Hana's fourth year at Hogwarts hit her with a whirlwind of emotions, unexpected discoveries, and a growing sense of connection. The friendship she has created with the Marauders had continued to flourish, and they had become an inseparable group, sharing laughter, adventures, and secrets. They had all learned how to become Animagus to help Remus with the full moon.

Sirius was a big, black, shaggy dog, James was a beautiful, large stag, Peter was a small rat, and Hana was a beautiful, and breathtaking doe. It was quite the surprise to her, as the stag and doe are meant to be like soulmates. She never mentioned anything to the boys about it.

But as the school year progressed, Hana found herself wrestling with a new and bewildering emotion—a growing attraction to her dear friend James Potter.

It all began on a crisp, autumn day as they strolled around the picturesque Hogwarts grounds. The crimson and gold leaves crunched beneath their feet, creating a carpet of autumnal colors. Hana found herself walking alongside James, and the serene surroundings seemed to amplify her awareness of his presence.

As they chatted and shared stories, Hana realized that her feelings for James had shifted from friendship to something more profound. His vibrant personality, his confident smile, and the kindness he showed to his friends had begun to captivate her heart. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in her stomach whenever he laughed or his hand brushed against hers.

The realization that she might have a crush on James left Hana feeling both excited and apprehensive. She had never experienced such emotions before, and it was uncharted territory for her. She was determined to keep her feelings a secret, fearful that they might jeopardize their cherished friendship.

Meanwhile, the castle was abuzz with another romance—one that Hana had observed with mixed feelings. James had been infatuated with Lily Evans, a fiery-haired and strong-willed Gryffindor student. His attempts to win her affection were frequent and bold, often accompanied by creative displays of magical prowess. Lily, however, remained steadfast in her rejection of James's advances, turning down his invitations to Hogsmeade and ignoring his persistent compliments.

One sunny afternoon, Hana, James, Sirius, and Remus were sitting in their favorite corner of the Gryffindor common room, studying for their upcoming exams. Hana's heart was still entangled in her growing feelings for James, and she found it challenging to concentrate on her textbooks.

While reviewing a particularly tricky Transfiguration spell, James leaned over to ask a question, his messy black hair falling into his eyes. As she looked into those captivating hazel orbs, Hana's cheeks flushed, and she struggled to articulate a coherent response.

James chuckled and gave her a warm smile. "You look a bit distracted, Hana. Everything okay?"

Hana nodded, her voice unsteady. "Yes, just trying to focus on studying."

Sirius, ever the observant friend, elbowed James playfully. "I think we've got a love-struck Prongs on our hands."

Remus chimed in, offering his teasing support. "What do you say, James? Are you mooning over someone again?"

James flashed a grin but didn't reveal anything about his feelings for Lily. Hana, however, couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched James and his unwavering pursuit of the unattainable Lily Evans.

Over the course of the year, she found herself both drawn to and conflicted about James. She had never imagined that she would feel this way about a friend, and it left her feeling uncertain about how to navigate the complex emotions that had blossomed.

As the year came to a close, Hana couldn't deny the truth any longer—her feelings for James had grown into something more profound. Yet, she remained determined to keep her secret safe, not wanting to jeopardize their friendship or disrupt the delicate balance of the Marauders. Her heart's yearning, however, remained a quiet, hidden fire that she struggled to suppress.


sorry if it really doesn't talk about much about the year. im just trying to get it to 6th year so i can actually move forward and talk about what going on. trying to just get it through. i hope youre enjoying it tho.

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