Chapter 2: second year

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Hana's heart raced with anticipation as she boarded the Hogwarts Express once more. It was the beginning of her second year at the magical school, and she couldn't wait to see her friends, especially the Marauders. Over the past year, she had grown incredibly close to James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew, and they had become inseparable.

As the train began to move, Hana navigated her way down the corridor, searching for her friends. It didn't take long for her to find them in a compartment near the front of the train. James and Sirius were deep in conversation, while Remus was absorbed in a book, and Peter was studying a magical map.

Hana couldn't help but grin as she entered the compartment. "Hey, everyone!" she greeted them.

James, with his perpetually messy hair and round glasses, looked up and smiled. "Hana! You made it."

Sirius, the wild-haired troublemaker, chimed in, "We were beginning to think you might've changed your mind about coming back to Hogwarts."

Hana laughed and took a seat next to Remus, who put his book aside to greet her with a warm smile. "No chance of that," she replied. "I couldn't stay away from you lot for too long."

Peter, the quietest of the group, waved a friendly hello, still engrossed in the map.

As the journey to Hogwarts continued, they chatted about their summer adventures, catching up on all the happenings in each other's lives. James and Sirius recounted their escapades, Remus discussed his fascination with magical creatures, and Peter mentioned some new magical tricks he had learned.

Hana felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie with the Marauders that was unlike anything she had experienced before. They were more than friends; they were like family. One thing she didn't expect was to feel something more for a certain boy in this group.

Once the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, the group disembarked, eager to return to the castle. The sight of Hogwarts, with its towering turrets and twinkling windows, never failed to fill Hana with wonder.

The students filed into the Great Hall for the Sorting Hat ceremony, and Hana couldn't help but glance over at the Marauders. They exchanged knowing looks, silently acknowledging that this year was going to be full of adventures and mischief.

The Sorting Hat, after its traditional song, placed a few new students into their respective houses, and then, as it reached the end of its duty. Hana couldn't help but hear her father's faint voice in her head. "Another year of magic and friendship awaits, Hana. Enjoy the journey."

She smiled, grateful for the reassurance. Though, she may not see her father much, or at all, he always found a way to let her know that he was always there.

With the Sorting Hat gone and the feast underway, Hana and the Marauders dug into their favorite dishes, sharing stories and planning for their next adventure. They couldn't wait to see what the new school year had in store for them, but one thing was certain: their friendship and the mischief they would create together would make it a year to remember.

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