Chapter 5: fifth year

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Hana's fifth year at Hogwarts was a time of great change and intense emotions. Her bond with the Marauders had deepened over the years, but the feelings she had for James Potter had only intensified. The castle had become a place where every glance, every shared laugh, every touch from him sent her heart into a joyful frenzy. She couldn't deny it any longer—she was hopelessly in love with her dear friend.

The school year kicked off with the excitement of Quidditch. Hana and the Marauders had always been ardent supporters of Gryffindor's Quidditch team, led by their skilled captain, James. His athleticism and charm on the field only added to Hana's growing admiration.

Hana attended every match, watching as James soared through the air on his broomstick, his hair ruffled by the wind. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride every time Gryffindor won a game, and her feelings for James only swelled.

But the Quidditch season brought with it another challenge—James's ongoing, and often discouraging, pursuit of Lily Evans. He continued to shower her with attention, compliments, and extravagant gestures, but Lily remained steadfast in her disinterest.

One evening, after yet another unsuccessful attempt to woo Lily during a Hogsmeade visit, James returned to the common room, his face marked with disappointment. Hana, who had watched the entire scene unfold, couldn't bear to see him dejected. She approached him and offered a sympathetic smile. "Don't let it get to you, James. Maybe she'll come around one day."

James let out a sigh and ran a hand through his tousled hair. "I appreciate your optimism, Hana, but it's been years, and I'm not sure if she'll ever see me the way I see her."

The sincerity in his voice tugged at Hana's heartstrings, and she found herself wanting to say more, to confess her feelings for him. But the fear of ruining their friendship held her back. Instead, she offered a reassuring pat on the back.

"Keep your spirits up, James. You never know what the future holds."

The Quidditch season, with its ups and downs, continued to dominate their time. Gryffindor's matches were exhilarating, filled with cheers, laughter, and tense moments. The camaraderie among the Marauders was unwavering, and they celebrated their victories with extravagant parties in their common room, complete with Butterbeer, wizarding snacks, and magical pranks.

One memorable evening, after a particularly thrilling victory against Slytherin, Hana and the Marauders decided to throw a party to celebrate their success. The common room was transformed into a magical wonderland, with enchanted decorations and music that had everyone on their feet.

Hana found herself dancing with James, her heart racing as he twirled her around the room. Their laughter and shared smiles created a sense of euphoria that was impossible to ignore. Hana's heart ached with the realization that she couldn't hold her feelings back any longer.

As the night wore on, and the revelry continued, Hana had left James to himself and the boys as she went to go get some fresh air. She had left the common room and was wondering the halls of the castle. Hana was thinking on whether or not to confess her feelings to James, but then she thought of the outcomes if she were to. Their friendship could become ruined, he rejects her, or he flat out ignores that she has feelings for him.

Soon, Hana found herself outside of the castle walking close to the black lake. She thinks about getting into the water to clear out her mind as it is something she does a lot at camp when things become too much for her other there. She starts to think about the people she misses dearly. Her mother, Annabeth, Grover, her favorite mentor Chiron, and the feeling of home in her cabin by the lake.

Hana let her mind wonder while she was at the bottom of the black lake watching all the life swim by her. She eventually thought it was time for her to get out and head back to the tower to get ready for bed. Hana hoped that no one noticed her leave or get in and out of the black lake dry.


As soon as she walked back to the Gryffindor Tower the common room had cleared out. The only ones left were the boys she held dearly to her, sitting there worrying about her. When they heard the portrait open again all heads snapped towards her. " Hana, where the hell have you been?" A worried looking James said while getting up to head towards her.

" I was out at the black lake, why, what happened to everyone?" She responded with confusion. " We were so worried about you," Sirius started "One second you're dancing with James the next you're gone and we basically ended the party, just to find you." He finished. Hana looked at all of them in shock wondering if that really happened, all because she decided to leave for fresh air. "Woah, I didn't know me being gone would cause you guys to do this." she replied.

" Of course, we do Hana. Though I must say it was mostly James who was freaking out." Remus said to her whispering the last bit. Hana's cheeks flushed and she looked at James, only to see him turned around with his hand clutching his heart.

" Well, I'm sorry. I kind of needed fresh air from the party. Next time I'll let one of you know," she started "anyway, lets all head to bed, we have classes bright and early" They all groaned as they made their way up the staircase to their rooms and had a good nights sleep.


hello im trying to add in more of james and hana to like show how their friendship grows.

anyway hope you enjoyed.. have a good night or morning

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