It could be worse

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Chapter 14: it could be worse

Fucking hell!" I whispered harshly

We had made it to the third floor only for it to be barricaded with chairs and desks preventing us from entering

"There's a ladder outside the window that leads to the rooftop where a rooftop latch should be you can use that to enter the third floor" Keon said through the mic

Me and klaus nodded in understanding before making our way towards the window

I opened it as quietly as I could while the wind raged in my face

Throwing one of my legs over the ledge I searched the wall blindly for any sign of a ladder

Once my hand touched the rails I gripped it tightly and brought my body out of the window, propping myself on the ladder carefully and then climbed it to the top

Klaus followed shortly before meeting Cyrus on the rooftop

He had his sniper gun set up while he laid flat on his stomach looking out for any threats

I approached him quietly before tapping his shoulder lightly

He jumped startled before bringing a hand to his chest dramatically

"You scared the living daylights out of me" he whispered harshly with a slight British accent

I held back a giggle before straightening my posture and helping him stand up

"Wheres the latch?" I asked looking around

"Its right over there, I'll lift it up and you can drop down"

"Hey Keon how many were on this floor?" I asked weary now remembering

A static noise came through before I heard his voice come through "There's twelve, this is the biggest floor I presume since four of each guards are stationed in different parts of the room. There's four in the middle-hold sensors are catching something else on the radar...holy shit there's captives. There's at least six people tied together in a circle where four guards are circling them. There's 18 captives in total.." he said finishing his report

I let out a breath knowing if this went wrong we could cause the lives of those being held against there will

I took out the gun hoisted at the back of my waist and checked how many bullets I had left


That's not bad in total if I reuse my knives

I faced klaus who seemed to also be looking over his weapons he nodded confirming we could play this out well

"Cleo you can advance to the second floor and set up the bomb,Cyrus will meet you there on stand by" I said while Cyrus followed my order and climbed down the ladder disappearing in the dark

"Got it boss" she said back in the mic before it went silent

I clutched my gun tightly before jumping down and landing in a crouching position

I had a total of five seconds to look around before bullets started speeding towards me

I grabbed my coat and pulled it above me shielding myself as I deflected most of the bullets while some went through unfortunately I'll just have to get it fixed again

Anger bubbled through me as I heard the cries of the victims and in a flash I had already striked down four of the guys with four of my knives

I grabbed my gun and shot two other ones while klaus held the other two in a choke hold with a rope constricting there breathing

I jumped towards the last group of four and brought my gun down towards one right on there head before smashing it against there skull and shooting them in the head

I threw his lifeless body on two of his buddies while grabbing a knife that was engraved inside one of the dead guards eye balls and marched towards them before striking it inside there cheek bones and cutting there veins apart

Before I could look at the last one left, I heard a gun shot

in a span of a second the right side of my body burned like my blood was being boiled

I looked down and saw red liquid rush down my stomach

Looking up I noticed it was the last guard standing there with an evil grin plastered on his face

Klaus got to him and sent a roundhouse kick towards the back of his head making him collapse from the impact

Before klaus could strike him again I yelled "stop! This one's mine" I took out a needle I had stuffed in my boot and walked over to him holding the right side of my stomach trying to prevent anymore blood loss

Crouching to his level I bit my tongue from yelling out in pain before mustering four words "questo è per te" (this one's for you) i grabbed his tongue and forced it out his mouth before stabbing the needle in it, injecting him with the acid that had already started to affect him from the way his tongue turned instantly black and how it started to fall apart

I stepped away and looked to see all the captives against the wall, I raised an eyebrow to klaus to which he just nodded

I bowed my head in gratitude

He had moved them away from the danger while I murdered the enemies one by one

"Xavier there's 18 for you to escort out of here" I spoke in the mic

"On my way boss" he answered

I felt my vision go hazy, Klaus seemed to notice from the way he placed his hand on my back causing me not to fall flat on my face

"Keon, vesper needs medical attention asap" I heard Klaus speak in the mic

I struggled against his tight grip "no I don't...I'm fine" I said barely above a whisper

Klaus looked at me in disbelief before shaking his head

"You need to be checked now for godsake you were just shot" he said his deep voice echoing quite loudly

I averted my eyes away before trying to find the strength to stand up

"Fucking hell" I muttered under my breath when I couldn't find the strength to stand up

"Stubborn little one aren't you" klaus said giving me a pointed look with his grey eyes seeming to read into my soul

I rolled my eyes before stoping my advances to stand from the way pain shot up through my body

I could see my vision start going black, the last thing I heard was klaus yelling for someone to hurry up

It could be worse


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