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"Shigeta-kun, bring your cupcakes to the stand!"

"Hanazaki-san, over here!"

"Murata-san, we're missing some cash boxes over here!"

"Yes, yes — one moment!"

The class was busily moving — preparations for the festival were underway. Most, if not all, students wore their PE uniform — it was somehow difficult for Harua to differentiate all his classmates from each other. He had to carry his cupcakes down to the gym from the home economics kitchen, but he couldn't find Maki anywhere.

"And Jo isn't anywhere, either... ah, what do I do...?"

Harua was panicking slightly as he couldn't find Maki or Jo anywhere, but decided to get things moving by heading to the kitchen on his own. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he sighed in relief as he made eye contact with the class captain. "Haru-chan — Maki and Jo have just quickly gone downstairs to check on the stands. I can help."

"You're a lifesaver, Murata-kun," Harua exclaimed as he patted Fuma's shoulder. "We should hurry up — the sales have to open up."

Fuma and Harua walked together in comfortable silence until Fuma eventually spoke up. "So... how are things going with Maki?"

Harua's cheeks turned a soft red as a smile formed on his lips. "Uhm... I made some progress..."


"He doesn't want to hold my hand in public, though..."

Fuma's eyes widened in shock for a moment as Harua looked away with a giggle. "So it's official, then? Congrats, Harua! Did it happen yesterday?"

"I-I don't know if it's official! I just kind of kissed his cheek, and he held my hand! W-well, maybe it just means that we might be dating... b-but he hasn't said anything, so maybe I shouldn't be assuming. W-why are you looking at me like that?"

Fuma could only laugh at the other. "Harua, does Maki like you?"

"I think he does..."

"Then he's your boyfriend, silly," the class captain grinned. "Maki and I have had a good few conversations — he's a great guy. He wouldn't hurt our sweet Harua — I'm sure he'll take care of you."

Harua smiled softly, a light blush decorating his clearly happy expression. "Do you think Maki-chan likes me that much...?"

"Eugh — more couples in our class. First Nicholas and Euijoo, now you and Maki."

"E-eh?! Euijoo-kun already?!"

Maki's expression was as blank as ever, mostly due to concentrating on the cupcakes stand's setup. Jo stood beside him, giving everything one last glance before nodding. "I think that's good. We should help Harua bring down the cupcakes."

Maki nodded, walking beside Jo out the gym to the kitchen upstairs. Jo eventually spoke up despite doing so hesitantly. "So... have you spoken with Harua?"

"Mhm. We're dating."

Jo widened his eyes in shock at the other, amazed at Maki's sudden confidence. "Already?! You just got here!"

"If you actually told Harua how you feel about him, you would probably be with him right now."

Jo was quiet for a moment. "I can't protect him in the way you can. He's my best friend, and I kind of prefer it that way. I'll get over him much quicker than you think."

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to make it weird — Harua wants things to be okay with you, which is why he trusted me to tell you that we're together," Maki said, earning a warm nod from the other. "You're quite mature. I'm sure someone will like that."

"Nah, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship — being single is fun."

"Oh — Maki-chan!"

Maki smiled at the sound of Harua's excited voice, waving his hand as he watched the boy approach him with Fuma by his side. "Harua — sorry for just leaving so suddenly. Are there still trays?"

"There's about 4 or 5 more trays in the kitchen, but we'll start setting up the cupcakes in the display panel," Fuma told them. His eyes suddenly brightened as he thought of something, shoving the tray in his hands toward Maki. "Here — you and Harua go down. Asakura-kun and I will head up and bring everything down all at once."

"E-eh? Okay, let's just go," Harua hummed, nudging Maki with his arm so that they could walk together. Jo and Fuma walked off, leaving the new couple alone together. Harua was still a blushing mess, smiling to himself as he kept his eyes on the cupcakes in front of him.

"Uhm... H-Harua—" Maki paused when Harua finally looked at him, holding his breath for a moment to gather himself. "We can walk home together this afternoon if you'd like. After the festival and everything..."

"I'd like that," Harua agreed with a smile. The two walked in quiet happiness, still quite bashful about their feelings for one another. Harua noticed how Maki stepped closer to lessen the space between them, bumping his shoulder with a chuckle. "Are you still shy?"

"I've never had a boyfriend before, to be honest."

"Well, lucky you — your first boyfriend is someone so pretty and adorable as me!" Harua said with a confident smile. "I'm sure we'll figure one another out — I just know you're nicer than you let on. You're quiet, icy, and cold-hearted... but you like me."

Maki looked away, an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. "Shush..."

"You're so dismissive, yet you start blushing whenever I kiss your cheek."


The other laughed again, turning to press a soft kiss on Maki's cheek. "Silly. After we successfully sell all our cupcakes, we can go around the festival to check things out, hm? The other classes have set up some cool stuff upstairs — Koga-kun's class set up a maid cafe, but all the boys are the maids. It looks really cool."

"Then let's go later," Maki nodded as they turned into the gym hall. "You're my boyfriend, by the way."

"H-huh? M-mhm..."

Maki laughed as he placed the tray down beside Harua's, turning to face him. "Now who's the one getting shy?"

"Tch, you're lucky I like you."

Maki couldn't help but smile. "I guess. I like you too, Shigeta Harua."

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