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Fuma sighed to himself, leaning against the wall as he finally got a moment to himself. He didn't have a place to close his eyes for a moment, so he opted to check out the festival while he was on an hour break. He was sure his class was doing fine, and Euijoo said that he would watch things while Fuma was resting for a bit, so he had no worries.

"Crap, it's Murata-san!"

"Yudai-kun, hide!"

"Quick, quick, qui—!"

Fuma opened his eyes, frowning as he glanced further down the corridor. He saw a group of girls nervously turning away from him — wait. Girls? Upon further inspection, he found two of them to be very familiar. "Koga... Yudai?"

Lo and behold, one of the 'girls' was Yudai in a rather cute maid outfit, a black wig split into pigtails accompanying the pink blush on his cheeks. Beside him was a rather excited Yuma, who was also somehow wearing one of the dresses.

"Yuma?! You're in our class, why are you with his class?!" Fuma exclaimed in confusion.

Yuma posed for the other, pouting his lips as he flared the skirt. "I'm cute, aren't I, Murata-chan?"

Fuma observed him for a second before frowning. "You didn't answer my question."

"Nishimura-kun didn't come to school today, so I offered to help," Yuma replied with a grin. "Koga-kun, stop being so shy! Suruzaki-chan told us to get more customers! Come on, appeal a little! Remember your training!"

Yudai, who had been quiet the whole time, let out a sudden indescribable noise. "Training?! She just told us to be cute!"

"Then do that!"

Yuma held his hand up as if to tell them to be quiet. "It's fine, you don't have to do anything. I'll visit the cafe."

Yudai's eyes lit up for a moment, and Yuma clapped his hands in excitement. "Finally! You two head along — I'll get more people to come visit."

"A-ah— Nakakita-kun—!"


Yuma skipped off happily as the hair of the wig bounced with him, causing Fuma and Yudai to make rather awkward eye contact. Yudai looked down for a moment, an embarrassed blush on his face. "Sorry if this seems a little weird..."

"It's cute." Yudai looked up, a smile forming on his lips as he watched Fuma look away, as if he were afraid to meet the other's eyes. Fuma cleared his throat loudly as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "W-well, take me to the cafe! I can't walk on my own there, you know."

Fuma believed that he and Yudai were friends, but not extremely close. To see the boy that he once thought was a boisterous extrovert become so shy just because he was wearing a dress made him smile, for some reason. He didn't look half bad, either, so why was he so embarrassed?

"Did they teach you the things that maids do? Or are you still just a dude in a wig?" Fuma asked with a laugh.

"Suruzaki-chan said to call the customers 'master', but you're my friend — I don't have to call you that."

"Call me Fuma-chan."

"Don't take advantage of this, Murata-kun."

"Come on — call me something cute," Fuma urged gently as he bumped his shoulder against the other. "I'm trying to help you get more comfortable. Come on — try."

Yudai hit Fuma's arm as he scoffed. "Whatever. I didn't really want to do this, anyway... they just said that the class pretty boys had to be the maids."

"So you agree that you're a pretty boy?"

"Look at how handsome I am — to deny this role is to deny my nature!" Yudai exclaimed with a huff. "In any case, it's only until everything is sold out. Everything is limited, so once we make our target amount, we'll close up."

"Then I'll take my time," Fuma hummed. He turned to the other, lifting his hand to fix the bangs of the wig. Yudai's cheeks flared red as he looked away in embarrassment. "It's really cute. In a weird way, it suits you."

"Don't say that! You know everyone takes your word for things, so they'd definitely try to put me in a dress again!"

"Fine, fine — it looks okay on you. Is that better?"

"I suppose..."

Fuma couldn't help but smile at the other. He got some looks here and there, but Yudai still laughed and smiled as he accepted compliments left and right. He realised that he had been staring at Yudai for an unhealthy amount of time and quickly diverted his eyes to look away from the other.

"Suruzaki-chan, I've got a customer for you!" Yudai exclaimed as they entered the classroom together. "You can have a seat over there, Murata-kun."

"Hm? What was that? What's my name?"

Yudai's expression turned sour for a moment before plastering a sickeningly sweet smile on his lips. "Fuma-chan, you can come this way."

"Every time you call me something other than 'Fuma-chan', I'll take ten photos of you."

"Wh—?! Fine!"

Fuma stifled a laugh as Yudai became more embarrassed. "I'm sure a longer skirt would've made you feel like a prune."

"Yes, but this length is just as embarrassing," Yudai muttered as he crossed his arms. "Just... don't talk about it after today. It's a little weird."

"You're not the only one with a dress on — I'm going to blackmail Shota-kun as well."

"It suits him, anyway, so don't take pictures of me," Yudai said with a rather pleading smile. "Have a seat and I'll bring you the menu in a second, okay? Order everything, though!"

Fuma only laughed as he nodded. "Anything for you, Yudai-chan."

"For the last time, Takayama-kun, it's not rent-a-girlfriend! Suruzaki-chan, we have a weird customer! He won't let me go!"

Fuma glanced past Yudai at the door with a chuckle. "Taki's harassing Yuma — better go sort him out."

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