BONUS : nichojoo

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Nicholas wasn't sure if he liked Euijoo anymore.

Since Jo made his little revelation at the summer festival, saying that they got together quite fast and didn't really know each other, Nicholas had been doubting his feelings for the other for a while. Euijoo could probably tell, as well — Nicholas had been distancing himself because he wasn't sure if he was really in love with Euijoo.

But Maki and Harua got together at around the same time — why was their relationship obviously more stable and happy than theirs?

Nicholas didn't have the heart to break up with Euijoo — he was so sweet and gentle. To leave him after dating for less than a month would be cruel to the soft-spoken boy. Nicholas did like him — but not enough to date him. But he felt terrible just thinking about leaving Euijoo, so he'd find reasons to like him.


He pressed out a smile as he felt a pair of lips on his cheek. "You're back. I thought you'd be with Murata-kun during lunch."

"He told me to spend time with my boyfriend, so I came over to see you," Euijoo smiled as he sat across from the other. "You don't look very... happy to see me. Are you okay, Nicho?"

Nicholas let out an absent-minded nod as he closed his textbook. "Yeah, I, uhm... I'm glad to see you, love."

Euijoo's smile slowly fell as his hands lowered. "Oh... did I disturb you? I'll just—"

Nicholas hurriedly grabbed Euijoo's hand, locking his fingers with the other's. "Euijoo, you didn't disturb me. Come on — you're my boyfriend."

"..." It looked as if Euijoo was resisting the urge to say something else, but he pressed out a smile. "It's okay, Nicholas."

"Are you upset, baby?"

"Don't call me that. It doesn't look like you want to, anyway."

Euijoo stood up suddenly, his expression completely different from before. Nicholas sighed softly, unable to find the ability to rush after Euijoo. But he liked Euijoo — right? Nicholas inhaled sharply before leaving everything at the desk and running after Euijoo. The other, in his frustration, had managed to walk quite far.

"Euijoo, wait!"

Nicholas grabbed Euijoo's wrist and the other tugged against his grip rather weakly — as if he was relieved yet irritated that Nicholas reached out for him. "Nicholas, stop this. I can tell what's going on already."

"Euijoo, it's not like that," Nicholas said quickly. "I'll spend time with you, I swear."

"That's not what I'm talking about," Euijoo said quickly. "You're not happy to see me. You're distancing yourself from me, and I know why."

Nicholas refused to back down. "Euijoo, I didn't mean for it to seem that way."

"Well, it seems that way, in any case, so just say it already," Euijoo snapped as he flicked his wrist from the other. "I've known for a while. You want to break up with me but you don't know how to. Why? Are you bored? Am I boring? God, I knew someone like you wouldn't like me—"

"Euijoo, stop it!"

"Why should I?! I'm telling the truth, aren't I?" His eyes were red as he tried to hold back his tears. "You don't like me anymore. I knew I never deserved you. I'm afraid of hurting myself — so just do it already. It's not like you were hiding it from me."

Nicholas froze in place as Euijoo's tears fell down his cheeks. "Euijoo, did... did I hurt you...?"

"Yes, you hurt me! We've been together for three weeks, and two of those were my happiest with you! Maybe you did get bored and you like someone else already. Someone... someone that doesn't look like me."

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