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Time skip to when Kyle goes to college.

It's been 4 months since Kyle has started college and he was devastated to learn his girlfriend wasn't going to the same college as him. She is going to a college in Louisiana near New Orleans. While he went to college in Pittsburgh here in Pa. Today is now Sunday and Kyle has his 3rd week for the NFL. All of us got front row tickets to the home game. One of Kyle's friends from highschool got a full ride scholarship to the same school Madison goes to, and just a few days ago his friend Damien has been sending him pictures of Madison making out with one of the guys in his football team at college. Kyle thinks it's fake and that she wouldn't do that to him, but things change once you are in different states and going to different schools. Once I heard what was going on I had my tech guys monitor Madison's texts and calls and what Damien has been sending Kyle is true. Madison is cheating on Kyle and I don't know how to tell him or show him the evidence. The guy is from Indiana state and is the quarterback for the college football team Damien is on. Calls and text with Madison and Kyle have become less frequent too. Kyle thinks she is just busy with her studies. When in reality she has all her work done beforehand. We have been monitoring her school work too. And all her school work is done a week beforehand.

Just as me, Abigail and Mikayla sat down with your food and drinks. In the front row with our friends and family that are here to watch the game. Kyle comes out for warm ups in a pissy mood.
One of my tech guy that is here quickly pulled his tablet out and pulled up Madison's phone activity. We saw a FaceTime call was made while Kyle was in the locker room. Xander pulled the video call up, he tilted the tablet to me and hit play the volume was up loud enough for us to hear and we heard the conversation between the two and then some guy came into the screen and kissed Madison right in camera she kissed him back he pulled away and said hey babe, she smiled up at him and said hey and then the call quickly ended.
"Oh this is gonna be a long and interesting game." Max said.
"He is gonna put all his anger out onto the field. The guys from Miami are gonna be hurting. There might be a chance Kyle isn't gonna play since his head isn't gonna be in it. He is looking for an outlet to blow off some steam." I said just as I said that Kyle ran back down the tunnel leaving us confused as fuck. Then I got a text from his dad saying Kyle was only getting pramotion to use the weight room to blow off some steam so his head was in the game and not on his cheating girlfriend.
"Ah now I understand why Kyle was out here for a few minutes." I said.
"Why is that?" Everyone asked.
"Kyle needed pramotion to use the weight room to blow off some steam so his head can be in the game and not on the fact that Madison is cheating on him. Even though he is blowing off steam in the gym here at the stadium he is still gonna be blowing some on the field but once he hits the gym here it will feel a lot better to stay focused on the game." I said.
"True and it's good he is going the gym here and nothing injuring someone or himself on the field." Max said.
"That is true." Abigail said.
A moment later Abigail's phone vibrated my thigh from her coat pocket. She pulled it out and we saw Kyler on her screen. She answered it and his dad's voice came through.
"Hey Abi Kyle is hyperventilating I sent a staff member to come get you. He looks up to as a mother and with you being a nurse he trusts you to coach him through this." I could barely hear Mark over the crowd say.
"I'm on my way. Radio the person on their way to get me. If they see a woman running the halls, that's the person they need to bring to the locker rooms." Abigail said.
"I'll radio him now." Mark saidand with that Abigail was out of her seat and running up the stairs and was fly down the plate form and threw a door
"Why did Abigail leave?" Max asked.
Mark called from Kyle's phone saying he is hyperventilating, no one can get him to calm down. He wants Abi since he sees her as a mother figure he never got from his mom." I said.
"Poor kid." Dad said.
"I know " I said just as I got a text from Kevin saying Kyle got a call from Madison's parents saying Madison was pregnant before college and aborted the baby that's why he started to hyperventilate.
"Oh my god." I said as I re-read the text. My heart was breaking for Kyle. I knew how bad he wanted to be a dad someday and with Madison aborting the baby would have crushed him.
"What's wrong?" Dad asked.
I couldn't say a word for how shocked I was at Madison's actions. So I handed my phone to my dad.
"Shit Kyle might not play, this is gonna be on his mind all game." Dad said.
"My thoughts exactly dad." I said.
"What's going on?" My men asked.
"Not only did he find out Madison cheated. He just found out Madison was pregnant with his baby and she aborted it before she left for college. We all know he wanted to be a dad sometime after highschool. There is a big chance Kyle is not going to play with that on his mind and his world was ripped from him from Madison." I explained.
"I know we are not into killing women in our Mafia but I feel like killing Madison for what she did to Kyle." Max whispered for only us to hear.
We all agreed but no one was gonna do that since our mafia was against harming women and children.

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