Teenage dirtbag again!

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Sam walks to the auditorium. She was happy to skip third and fourth period. Her day just got better! She didn't have to think about the possibility of getting made fun of. She climbed the stairs in the auditorium and she started to set up the lighting. She made sure everything worked. She made sure all the performers would have the had the right amount of lighting. She spent all of third and fourth period. She did this for every event. Luckily she got to be at every event and every show. She did everything for her school and never got credit for anything. Sam didn't care. She loved to work behind the scenes.
Sam sets up the stage, speakers and all the mics. She walks to her last two classes and she is counting down the minutes for the end of the day bell. Sam does her work, up until the bell rings. When the bells finally rings , she grabs all her stuff and heads to christian's class room and she text's Isadora. "Hey Hemmings! Are you coming to the Talent showcase. I am going to be backstage to work on the lighting and sounds".

christian Smiles, and packs up his things. "Are you going to stay after school until, the talent show? " Sam nods. "yeah, I am inviting my friend Issy, Calum and Luke." Sam pulls out her her phone to see if Issy responded. She looks and see's a text from Calum and Issy. Issy's text Hey! yeah I am sure, I can make it, are you inviting Calum? I respond Yes, I am going to invite Calum, nd I'm staying after school to set up. I'll see you guys tonight!!! Sam hits send and replies to Calum. "Talent show at school, Luke and Issy will be there!! I hope to see you too I am doing the lighting and sound check." Sam hits send and begins breaking down the drum set carrying them to the auditorium. She would set up and change in the girls locker room. She packed a change of clothes. She packed a Black 5sos crop top, shorts and a 5sos Varsity jacket and she had brand new red high top converse. She was so excited for tonight! she was able to watch the performances from a distance. Sam loved being backstage and behind the scenes. She whistle's as she walks back to the music room to finish bringing the rest of the equipment. She was sweaty . She checked her phone to see how much time she needed. The students who would be preforming would be there at five thirty. It was four o'clock, she grabbed her duffle bag and ran to the showers. She got ready as quickly as she could. She did her makeup and dryed her hair. She loved her hair slightly wet. after she was done she grabbed her things and went back to auditorium. A few students that she had never saw before were waiting for sound check. Sam looks at her list and checks the students and asks them for their names and the song they are playing. She smiles and tells them to go back stage and wait in the green room. Finally more students come and she tells the wait backstage.

Time rolls by and she goes backstage and makes sure everyone knows the order they are going to preform. She looks out a the audience and there's a lot of students, parents and mostly like her best friend and her brother,and her cousin. She smiles and waves to them in the crowd. Christian steps out on the stage and grabs the mic. "Good Evening wildcats! Tonight is the night you've been waiting for Lip sync battle/ Talent showcase!! we have some very talented students here. let's show them love, our first act will be Randall and the football team will be lip-syncing to "Single ladies" Randall passes by Sam in a leotard and pushes me against the wall. "Hood, you suck!" Sam rolls her eyes as Randall walks out on stage with the other football players who hit me on the way out. Sam sets their music. After 15 minutes of everyones act. Christian gets back on stage. "Alright, Northridge.. let's give a round of applause for all the prefromers. Everyone cheers and claps. "Alright, Alright where not done yet. I have surprise for all of you. A very special girl is going to preform, a drum cover of American idiot a cover of 5sos, which is orginally by Green Day. Give it up for Samantha Hood!!!" Sam's jaw drops and she suddenly feels sick. She always carried her drum sticks everywhere, but she wasn't ready. She had never played in front in people. She freezes and Calum start's chanting. "Sammi !! Sami!! everyone joins in Sam walks out. "Hi, I'm Samantha Hood. This song is American idiot" She sits at the drums taps her drum sticks together "2, 3" and begins to play the song. she goes extremely fast and then she slows the drumming people began to cheer and she begins to sing. she messes up on her solo. someone starts booing her. She hurls in front of everyone landing right on Randall. Randall is furious , people laugh at him. He's covered in her nerves.

She gets up and runs off stage. Randall texts the cheerleaders. "GET HER!"

The cheerleaders run after me and surround me. "You are a Social fuck up!" The girls begin to hit her, calling her names Sam blocks her face. fighting them back, she eventually knocked down.

Calum looks at Luke and Issy. "Where did she go. We should find her."

Sam, curls up in a ball and when one of the girls says "Hey stop, that's good enough." She gets up wincing in pain and finds the closet bathroom and she cries in stall. Issy looks at Luke and Calum. "We should split up, check every bathroom..." Luke calls Sams name. "Sam! where are you?" he roams through the hallways. Calum begins to worry "Where is she!! She could be hurt!!" He looks at Issy and is about cry. Luke texts Calum and Issy. "I can't find her :(

Calum hears his phone goes off and looks and texts back with a tear in his eye. "Find her!!!"

Sam cries in the bathroom close to where Calum and issy are looking for her. Calum hears crying. and he runs to crying and finds her. "sam! I'm here. who did this to you? Issy text Luke tell him we found her.. I am going kick their asses. no mess why my cousin! No one!!" Calum helps Sam up and Issy nods and texts Luke "Found Sam, she's hurt. "

Calum takes me back to to the auditorium and everyone is still there. He takes the mic and get up on stage. "Hi I'm Calum, and my cousin goes to this school and I am not happy. whoever hurt her better confess right now. If you don't confess I will tell the principal and get all who were involved in beating her up. will expelled!"

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this! Calum is so feisty!! What did you think? Please vote and comment it's means a lot.

theDoctorsDaughter98 team Issy.

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