Teenage Dream

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I wake to my alarm clock going off its screaming "Dear Future Husband." I roll over and turn it off. I did not want to get up. it was six thirty am, I knew I was going to school, or that's at least what I thought. "Samantha!" My mom calls from downstairs. "You're school called and they said, you shouldn't come back. There's been threats." I look at my mom. "What kind of threats?" My mom looks at me with a sad look. "sweetie, it's best if you don't know." I look at my mom. "What the hell do you mean, best that I don't know!" My mom raises her eyebrows. "Samantha Marianna Hood, Language!"

"No! Tell me what was being said! Stoping hiding everything from me!"

My mom sighs. "Sam, I want to protect you. Trust me. You don't want to see the threats. They are some on your Facebook. If you really want to look, don't let them get to you."

I walk back to my room grabbing my laptop and logging on to Facebook. I scroll on my wall seeing posts along the lies.

"I am glad, she left the school, her radio songs were stupid."

"She's an ugly bitch, she got her ass kicked! haha"

"I heard her mom paid Calum mo
ney to lie about being her cousin. Her mom is either a MILF or a WHORE!"

I close my computer screen down and my mom is shaking me awake. "Sammi! wake up your having a nightmare." I wake up and look at my mom. "Do I have to go back to school?" My mom smiles. "eventually, but if you are not ready. I can call the office and tell them your still sick. I am thinking to home school you. I don't like how your school handle conflicts. You had bruises all over you. two broken ribs and your principal says its safe. That's bullshit. I am paying for someone to homeschool next week." I nod. "Mom, I can't keep running, I need to go back. I don't want to be homeschooled, just give it time. It will blow over."

Cynthia looks at me sadly. "Your father agrees that you should be home schooled." I scoff. "Father! Father isn't here to make that decison! Neither are you! You spend most night working with Kim and Kayne. They need to find another fucking attorney because I am done hearing about them. Kyane has called for you so many times. Requesting, that you work with them more. Do you know how much that pisses me off. Does, he not know you have your own life?" Cynthia looks at Sam. "You're addittude I don't like it! Young lady!" I roll my eyes. "Get out my room!" Cynthia looks at me and slams my room door.

I get ready for school when Calum calls me. "Hey how would you and Issy want to hang out with the boys? Michael Wants to see you again." I sigh. "I was going to school. I kinda need to get my stuff."

Calum is rustling something in the background. "Are you kidding! Samantha Marianna Hood! Do you want a death wish? Those kids beat you up and you want to go back? Hell no there's no way! I know you're mom is home schooling you next week. if you go back at least let me come with you."

I sigh on the phone. "Calum, please. I am not a baby! I can handle this. I will have my mom send a body guard. Will that make you feel better. Gosh you act like my father sometime!"

Later that morning my mom sends a body guard with me to school. When she sends this body guard. He is so escort me to every single class, every locker visit and when I am in the bathroom, everyone is out except me and the body guard stands by the door. When lunch time rolled around some girls tried to be friendly. "Hey sam, we are really sorry. We made fun of you. We had no idea, you are related to Calum. That's like really cool." I nodded. " Yeah, it is. Didn't you make fun of me last week? and you're talking to me why? The girls look at Sam. "We, are sorry. We didn't mean to be mean to you." I smile

"Well, thank you for the apology, it's appreciated." Sam thinks.

I turn away and eat my lunch, I wished I had friends at school but I knew they would only like me because my cousin was famous. I ate my lunch quietly listening to a mix of my favorite songs The main songs in the mix were Try Hard, Ashton sining Ordinary People, Just saying, American idiot and some other bands that weren't 5sos. I played with my food, not eating much of the so called food. I had no idea what it was. all I knew it had more whole grains, vegetables and fruits in and reduced salt and fat. It was gross, I was used to wearing my lunch as decoration. I took chance and tried my taco it wasn't that bad. I ate one of the two and drank my chocolate milk. I wanted Nandos, Greasy oily goodness. I usually ordered Churrasco Thigh Burger it was Two skin on boneless Chicken Thighs with Cheddar Cheese and some Fino Coleslaw, served in a Portuguese Roll smothered in Barbecue Churrasco PERinaise. It was do die for. I always ordered it when I went with Issy, Calum and Luke. I was totally going to text them. The bell for lunch ranged. I walked to Christian's class room. I had to say goodbye. He was leaving this school behind. Christian sees my body guard and stares him down.

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