Don't Stop (castaway)

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The boys were on the way to the airport, they were tired, a little hung over and Michael and Ashton missed their girlfriends. "Dude, I'm so glad that we going home." Ashton says to Michael who's playing a game on his phone. "Yeah. I can't wait to see Sam. I miss her."  Calum is his head on Luke's shoulder.
Meanwhile while the boys were on the way home...Sam and Issy were sitting at the airport waiting for the boys to come home. 2 weeks prior to the boys leaving, Michael and Sam played titanic at her
birthday party. Sam had no idea she was pregnant. She was barley showing. Sam thought she was gaining weight she couldn't fit her skinny jeans so she put on sweatpants and she was wearing Michael's blue flannel shirt that said idiot on the back. Issy looks at Sam, she notices something different. "Sammy? Everything okay?" Sam nods "yeah, why wouldn't it be?"  Issy looks at her. "You've been quiet all day, is something bothering you?"   Sam looks at Issy and she snaps back. "Look I haven't seen Michael in a month! I am trying to save my energy so that I can cry and run to him. is that okay?" Issy looks over at her best friend and she sighs. "Sorry, I was just asking, geez, someone's pmsing." Sam sighed. "Sorry, I've been feeling tired lately, and hating the smell of mustard, and having cravings of tacos." Issy laughs "that's normal" she says sarcastically.  Sam shrugs it off
"I guess so." She laid her head on Issy shoulder. "I just want to see the boys."
Issy nods and pats Sam's head. "Me too, they'll be here soon."  Sam sighs and she gets a text from Michael.
Hey,  Babe. I'm almost home. Miss you so much...our plane should be landing within the next hour.
I smile  at the text from Michael but I don't respond.  I put my phone in my pocket and took a deep breath, I couldn't wait to physically touch Micheal, feel his soft skin, his soft lips and his arms around when we got home.  I wanted to feel him, I hated it when we were on skype and I had to say goodbye. I didn't  want to waste the night. I hated being away from Micheal, I was at his house all the time. We did everything together.  I felt lonley like a castaway when I was away from him. I sighed and looked at Issy. "I think I could be pregnant" Issy's eyes widen "Are you sure?" She nods. "Yeah, I mean my period hasn't come." I bite my lip. Issy smiles "oh my gosh that's great news." I laugh "you think so? I'm not going to tell Michael yet." I'll wait a bit. I'll tell him tomorrow. Issy nods and she hugs. "I'm gonna be the god mother!" She laughs and we see Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton walk in to the waiting area. Michael runs up to us. He hugs Issy and then he picks me up spinning me around in a hug. "Sammy!! I missed you so much.." I giggle and I hug back "not  as much as I missed you." He smiles and hugs me. "Michael I have to tell you something, your going to be a dad!" Michael jaw drops. "What?" I look down. "Yeah, I'm pregnant, I checked before I came to pick you up and I'm definitely pregnant. She smiles and Michael smiles and spins her around. "We'll get through this, I'm excited to be a dad." Michael was a little nervous about it but he was going to be supportive of his girlfriend. He smiles "why don't we head home." Issy runs up to the them, "can we go home, I'm jet lagged." 


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