She's kinda hot. (Unpredictable)

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Calum woke up and made some phone calls. He knew he could pull off a surprise party, if he could get Micheal and Ashton to get the girls out. He had plan.
He always had a plan, it was easy to get Sam out the house. Issy was the hard one. She was so fucking stubborn.

Calum called the caterer. "Hi..this is Calum Hood, I  am calling to have you guys cater for a party tonight at 7pm"..How many people? "A man says on the phone tiredly. Calum looks up while on the phone. "Hmm, I wanna say one hundred and fifty people..."okay the catertoer says." Calum hangs up the phone. He texts Michael "hey mikey, can u get Sam out the house so I can set up for the party."

Michael texts back "sure. Dude,  we were about to go see a movie anyway. We're playing black ops."

Calum puts his phone away. Sam Michael says smiling. "Do you want to go to the movies now, maybe go see Inside out or Sherlock Holmes?"  I nod "sure. Let's go, I want to see inside out."

I nod yeah "let's go" Michael picks  me up and carries me to the car. "I can walk Micheal!" He laughs " I know you can but you are so light" I look at him. "Let me walk!!" He chuckled and put me down.  I get in the car and put on the seat belt.  Michael starts the car and he drives to the movies. I turn on the radio and sing along to amnesia. "Can we get snacks before the movie? I really want popcorn and Slushie?" Michael nods "yeah, what ever you want. And no you are not paying. You will never pay for anything when you're with me." I sigh "Michael, I don't like that rule." He shurgs "well get used to it love."  I giggle and look at my phone.  Michael pulls into the parking lot of the Cinema and he gets out the car and runs around to open me door. He intertwined his fingers with mine and he walks online.  A teenage girl with black hair and black lip ring who is smacking her gum. "Next!" She says in between popping her gum. Michael smiles "hi, can I have two tickets for inside out?"
The girl stared blankly at Michael "wait a second. Aren't you Michael Clifford?" She says with a loud pop of gum. He nods and puts his finger to his lip. "Yes, may I have tickets. I would like to take my girlfriend to see this."   The girl looks me up and down and rolls her eyes implying he could do better.  I bite my lip and look at Michael. He puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek taking the tickets and he walks into the cinema. We walk in the theater and sit in the back cuddling. As the previews start Michael pulls me close and he lifts my chin up and kisses me.  "I love you"

I smile and blush darkly kissing him back. "I love you too.  He pulls me on to his lap and he kisses my neck and nuzzles me.  "You're so cute." I smile and cuddle into him. As the previews start Michael has his arm around me and he intwines his fingers with mine and rubs his thumb along mine. I smile at the Disney logo that appears on the screen. We watched the movie for an hour.
Meanwhile, Ashton is taking Issy to the mall, to pick out a dress, for the party. Issy picks a blue dress with sparkles on the front of the and black shoes with a low heel. She looks at Ashton and she smiles. "Ashton why am trying on a dress?" Ashton smirks "because I like seeing you in a dress." Issy hits Ashton in the arm. Ashton laughs "ouch, oi your violent" Issy laughs. "You're being a pervert. Ashton "I can't help it your beautiful."

Issy blushes and she shakes her head in protest. She didn't think she was pretty.  Ashton buys her the dress. "You are going to and you are beautiful."   Michael turns to Sam who is crying because bing bong is dying. She was enjoying the movie. Michael looks at Sam. "Are you crying?" Sam wipes tears and nods. "Who's your friend that likes to bong"
Sam laugh and hits Michael playfully and he laughs "your a dork."  They finish the movie and they go into the mall to get a dress. Micheal drags Sam to Forever 21 and Sam picks out a dress. The dress was semi formal it was a pink strapples and came just above the knee. Micheal looked at the dress and smiled. "thats beautiful, go try it on" Sam nods and tries on the dress. She walks out and shows Micheal. "what do you think?" he smiled and pulled her to him. "It's beautiful, do you want to try another?" Sam nods and she picks out another dress. This dress is shorter than first. Micheal shakes his head. "that's to short."  Sam laughs and she gets dressed. "alright let's go." 
Micheal pays for the dress and he gets a text from Calum and he sends it to Ashton as well. "Party starts at 7pm make sure the girls are here by 8pm."
Micheal smiles "I can't wait till your 18! You can drink and we are going to party hard."   I laugh, "yeah! I can't wait! Niall is gonna be there and he's in charges of drinks."   Micheal nods and kisses my cheek. He pays for the dress and he drags me to the food court for pizza.  While Michael and Ashton are keeping us busy.  Calum is inviting people. Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis are among the one hundred thirty something people that Calum decided to invite.  Luke looks at Calum "dude, why are you inviting so many people!!"
Calum smiles, "because, my cousin needs to have the best 18th party in the whole world."  Luke nods "so does Issy!"

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