chapter 7: Queen Snowfall

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"Queen Snowfall, I am addressing you to inform you that winter is missing from Jade Mountain Academy. We have gathered reports from students that he was last seen flying west with two other Icewings.

With dearest regards,
Sunny The Sandwing

Snowfall stared at the words for a while. They swam in her head, occupying her mind for hours. She considered the fact that, her cousin(?) Was missing from the place set up to be a peaceful place for all the tribes.

She considered also the fact that Winter was with two other Icewings, were they noble, or were they bounty hunters? Who knows. Snowfall considered that they were heading west, directly towards the sand kingdom, or the new night kingdom. Which could be worse? who knows.

Snowfall signed and took out a pen and scroll.

"Dear Sunny,
I am sad to inform you that winter has not returned to the Icewing kingdom. Nor has any royal Icewing seen him. I am planning to send a three dragon search party out to search for him. Thank you for this information.

Sending thanks, Queen Snowfall"

"Stalagmite?" The queen called out. "Yes?" Stalagmite responded, standing at attention in the doorway. "Could you deliver this to Jade Mountain for me, as well as the other letters to the students there?"

"Yes ma'am," he responded, "anything else, your majesty?" Queen Snowfall looked back to her papers, "could you send Lynx to my room please?"

"Yes ma'am." Stalagmite took the letter to Sunny and the other mail from Queen Snowfall. He went to find Lynx and sent her off to Queen Snowfall's room.

"Snowfall, are you alright? Your messenger told me to go to your room so I headed over immediately." Lynx called from the doorway, concern edging her voice.

"I'm fine Lynx, I just need you to lead a search party to the sand kingdom. Winter is missing according to Sunny and I have to get all this paperwork done and go to visit the outer villages today. I would go to look for him myself but you're the most reliable dragon I know to do this." Snowfall definitely sounded stressed

"I can do that for you, on th condition that you get some actual rest tonight. Deal? I take care of this for you and you get some actual sleep for once." Lynx cracked a grin as she said this, joking as much as she was serious.

"Fine, fine. Just please, choose two other dragons and search directly west or Jade mountain academy. He was last spotted with two Icewings." Snowfall didn't look up from her papers once as she said this.

Lynx smiled a bit. "Alright, just please don't over work yourself." Lynx went to gather the search party as Snowfall continued to worry over nothing.


Lynx headed out with the search party, heading towards Jade Mountain Academy.

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